Changes to over 18s - New IBN for WEF 2024

I just still don’t know how anyone expects CLS to cope with all the extra CICs that’ll be needed in such a short space of time. I don’t see any talk of extra resourcing for them. Who knows, the 12 month rule might have to go away if there’s genuinely not enough courses for people to get on a suitable one within 12 months :rofl:

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My reading on the IBN, not quite sure what everyone is hoping for.

Yes, as well as CI’s as the IBN says

• ATC Cadets will have the following options at 18:

o Leave RAFAC entirely.

o Become a Staff Cadet (SC) until age 20 then either leave or become a CFAV.

o Become a CFAV.

My Bold, where ACP 20 currently says 20 years old, now read as 18 Years Old.

Submit a Pers 1-10 if SNCO or Officer, for CI use the Join process

I always did for 19.6 cadets, with effective date of appointment being 20th birthday (assuming the process had been completed in terms of boards etc.) in this case the effective date would be 18th birthday or 2 Sep 24.

Accommodation policies are to be amended but that is the only indicated change.

The IBN is pretty clear on what the 2024 breed of staff cadet can & can’t do and highlights the amendments from the previous policy that I think was introduced in 2017/18.

If they are Over 18 they have 3 options, leave, be a Staff Cadet until they are 20 or apply to become a CFAV.

Yes, there is a transition for those holding CFAV appointments (training officer/adjutant etc.)

o Shall not hold CFAV appointments from 31 Aug 25. Transitional policy from 1 Sep 24: In instances where a shortfall in CFAV would put a Sqn or activity in jeopardy, through mutual and recorded agreement of the SC, OC and Wg OC permitted.

There is however no transitional period for other elements such as being an Activity Owner / Key Holder / Support AT as an Instructor, to do any of those things they will need to apply to be a CFAV.

If they can no longer support AT as an instructor, is there a list of other things they can’t do that they can currently?

Can they still hold secondary AT quals such as the climbing helper one, which starts at 16?

That assumes these individuals wish to apply to be CFAVs rather than remain as Staff Cadets with the new limitations because they wish to complete JL / QAIC / ACPS.

However I do agree it could be a challenge, and already is, it looks like the next CIC with space is March 25 (Officers) and April 25 (SNCOs) all previous courses are showing as full!

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The IBN only says the following, so a helper role would be acceptable in my mind.

o Shall deliver instructional and other activities to younger cadets as part of camps or other activities.

o Shall no longer be permitted to support Adv Trg as an instructor (currently permitted within ACP 20, PI 501, Annex D). SC wishing to instruct Adv Trg are to migrate to CFAV status.

So hopefully this will still be okay!

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PaddleUK have gone even lower… Paddlesport Instructor is now available at 14!


I need clarity i have an event taking place in the 7th Sept where O18 Cadets are blocking the approval by region because of no AVIP and missing ACTO99 training despite them no longer needing it on that date.

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That be the stop police…

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What law change?

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My mistake it’s proposed so not law yet

The RAC do quite a good article here: New Graduated Driving Licences launched to tackle ‘overconfident’ young drivers | RAC Drive

But in summary “ Under the proposed “graduated driving licence” system, new drivers could be banned from carrying passengers under the age of 25 for the first 6–12 months after passing their tests.”


To be fair that would be a good thing. And limit engine size to 1.2ltr and/or engine power. They already limit motorcycles so why not cars too. Make P plates compulsory for the first two years, and limit to 1 passenger.


I know the Aussies has a staged system with different colour P’s until they aren’t a new driver. depending on the colour depends what they can and can’t do.

That would discount someone carrying their boyfriend / girlfriend / partner / spouse.

Would the definition of a new driver include say someone aged 40 for example? That would prevent that new driver carrying one of their own 18 yr old children?

Need to check with other countries’ set-up, but I think that phased licence conditions on some places allow a single “young” person but not a group.


Or someone taking an older relative shopping or to the hospital and what about police officers or paramedics under 25?

Why ‘P’? The precedent in the UK is for R plates.

Thought you had dimension jumped there for a second.

It’s P plates for probationary in Great Britain.

It’s R plates for restricted in Northern Ireland

Driving lessons and learning to drive: Using 'L' and 'P' plates - GOV.UK.

But the P plates aren’t a real thing and R plates are.

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P plates are real just not legally compulsory unless required by your insurance company.

In the actual information about the proposed law it does give some example of exemptions such as your own children. But there is a lot of information in it and I haven’t read it all.