Changes to over 18s - New IBN for WEF 2024

This is exaclty as it used to be when I came back as a CI, when you could join as staff at 20, but CWO were allowered to stay until their 22nd birthday. I had aged out as a CFS and was a 20 y/o returning after working away for several years; the 2 CWO were friends from my time at that sqn and the same age. Simply, it worked there because we understood our roles and authorities. That is the critical point, that this change needs communicating clearly as to what everyone, particulaly in the 18-20 can and can’t do when they reach that point according to which side of the fence they are appointed.


What this refers to is that as part of a formal cadet transport plan you can have cadets driving cadets e.g. to gliding or AT camps.

If you have them as a driver as part of the transport plan then business insurance, mileage claims etc all start kicking in.

If cadets arrange lifts between themselves similar to parents then that’s fine but it’s like parental transport & something to be discussed between themselves - not something that is part of the Sqn planning process.

This has always been the case it just clarifys the situation & removes the liability.

Don’t think they are - only seen speculation from lobby groups so “citation needed” on that aspect.

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It’s a shame the policy didn’t let cadets stay on over 18, and then give them a range of (useful) courses to do that helped them transition to be being a uniformed member of staff and if they achieved them, at the age of 20 they could stay as a CHAF.

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Probationary CFAV would have been much better as a transitional stage.

Let them benefit from those high profile opportunities (but not CFAV joining fresh from 18), and then equip them to stay on, while allowing them to open a unit alone etc so they really help improve the staffing pressures everyone talks about.

So, can an 18 year old off the street walk in and become a CFAV then? Or is it only ex-cadets who can convert?

From September, yes. My understanding is the minimum age for RAFAC CFAV is being moved from 20 to 18.

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It was already 18 for CCF(RAF), so this is just an ATC change to bring both into line.

This is an organisational policy, not a legal one. In the real world, this is down to the individual insurer. Many will allow driving for voluntary purposes where payment does not exceed HMRC rates for mileage, which is currently 45p per mile. As always, check your car insurance policy.


Good list here.

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Apparently we can expect more information on this change to over 18 policy next Wednesday (28th) at the National Town Hall, and in the Weekly Brief (not sure which one).

. . . .

Nice timely comm’s . . .

A bit of a joke really. We don’t 100% know what is going on. Been told we’ll get more info later on. Even though we’re less than 2 weeks away.

Lets not forget the last time over 18 changes were tried that the whole thing got cancelled with about 5 days notice… Where’s the warning?! We’ve got the potential for events to be cancelled because of potential changes. Any of you got anything coming up where you have over 18 cadets in a ‘staff’ position? I hope you have a plan B!

Over on VOP the Corps WO ‘believes’ it will come out in a weekly brief. Not much conviction in that statement.

She doesn’t mention which weekly brief either!

As we can no longer claim motor mileage allowance it will be claiming the full amount from the tax man, i.e 45pence per mile.

Follow what the SCC do

I think that is the recording of the Townhall in response to someone who parades on a Wednesday, so that would be 2 Sep in my mind.

Err. You can still claim Home to Duty. And travel to certain events.

Well, nothing in this one. Assuming the next one is a week away, does that mean we’ll be getting the information on the day of the change. How well organised…

I mean christ, we’ve got a massive policy change on the way in 5 working days. We should really have a bit more information by now? Maybe a copy of the draft policies that will apply from next Monday?


Do we need any more though at this stage?

Cadets can be come adult staff at 18? That’s the only change that needs actioning.

Transition process is until the end of August 25 I think?

Just carry as we go at the moment - there’s only so much you can put in place before hand. Sometimes you’ve got to let it run,

I suppose clarifying how 17 year olds can be put forward for CWO (or confirming that the same procedure is instantly approved for 1st September.

Has it been approved? I can imagine lots of cadets asking whether they can be put forward all at the same time.

Anything new on these new staff cadet rank slides? Will they be “rankless” in order to place them between cadet structure and staff structure?

Well, i mean all the detail would be good to have more than 5 days before it, given they’ve been trying to change this for at least a year.

Can we now have 18 year old officers and NCOs? How? Can they apply in advance? Are there other restrictions?

There are loads of valid questions that I’m being asked by my cadets that I literally cannot answer.

What happens to staff cadets now? Can they transition? If they’re already taking responsibility for things? Does that change in September?