Changes to over 18s - New IBN for WEF 2024

Link for those who can’t find it.

So, on initial read it looks like instead of making a decision to commit to either having over 18 cadets or not, we are going for a fumbled process where we will have over 18s who are cadets and over 18s who are CFAVs. Except the over 18 cadets will be quassi staff, but with less responsibility than now. Also they won’t be able to deliver AT stuff without committing to being CFAV.


Very interesting policy. Can’t say I’m surprised by the restrictions - but find some bits very bizarre

They should have just binned staff cadet completely and transition those in the role out to CFAV.

It’s also not clear where those people affected should go for their immediate questions, I’m sure the HQ Bod won’t be able to answer the intricacies of how each mini empire of a Wing selects its staff and processes them.


Having had a second read…

How does this benefit staff cadets, CFAVs, SQNS, or anyone? It don’t make any less paperwork

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Good luck to CLS trying to fit that many new CFAV onto CIC’s…

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I think it’s more designed to remove the grey area around their status than actually benefit anyone.

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It seems like it’ll end up adding more grey area to be honest. And also help no one…

It doesn’t look like they have addressed CCF cadets who turn 18. It looks like they won’t require BPSS or DBS - so where do over 18 CCF cadets fit in when they are on joint CCF/ATC activities? Who are they accommodated with?


So what’s the deal if a cadet turns 18 and wants to be a CFAV? Can they direct entry to SNCO as per they can now? Do they have to be a CI? What is the process? What forms are needed? About as clear as mud I’d say lol

I presume they can go directly into uniform the same as they can now. Albeit the IBN does say that policy needs rewriting, that that may well be subject to change.

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Now all that’s left to do is finally get rid of over 18 cadets altogether… I guess in that department it’s one step closer to the sensible thing


Yeah, it would remove almost all of the grey areas then. Certainly my preferred solution. This update will likely make things more complicated, not less.


Where the prior criteria said 20, read 18… get those boards booked ready to convert on 1 Sep


Not in SW though.


I don’t get it.
Most of the restrictions (Staff Cadets being the sole person responsible etc) are already a thing?

Is the only change here to stop them being activity commanders?

What about all the stuff around accommodation?

there is a Wg Cdr email at the bottom of the IBN “if you would like to seek further information please use this contact:”

Can no longer use AT qualifications too…

The biggest change really is moving the age of CFAV from 20 minimum to 18 minimum.

As I said… that person is not the right person, they won’t know how every wing will deal with this including staff dev processes.

So they will quickly get swamped with stuff they can’t answer.

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Looks fairly sensible to me.

Requirement to have MOI is sensible.

Appreciate more detail will be forthcoming and there will always be ‘edge’ cases that need clarifying but this looks like a good effort and released with a decent lead in too.


Yeah, I’ll give them that. This is a nice change. Albeit this policy was meant to be out months ago :joy: