Changes to over 18s - New IBN for WEF 2024

What do I do with my staff cadets on Monday who don’t have MOI?
Suspend them for 3 months until the next MOI course is run?

Presuming they are already staff cadets, the transition period applies so afaik they basically have grandfather’s rights to stay on current terms?

But what about those non-MOI turning 18 before the next course?

Remember, IBN is not Policy.
Follow what ACP 20 says.

Yes the IBN states the intention for policy to change, but the actual Policy is ACP 20


For those who missed last night, and those who were there but couldn’t process it all (like me!) there is information now On sharepoint

Still waiting on updates to the ACPs, but certainly some queries answered.

Who on earth decided that o18s who want to be CFAV should be forced to move squadrons?! :scream::scream::scream::scream:


Speculating, but My money is that’s it’s the Senior cadet volunteer as its use to be the encouraged/forced practise in his old wing with uniform staff.

It doesn’t sound like a paid staff limitation & isn’t something we do know with 20 year olds.

The fact it is “until they are twenty” makes it sound like a wreaking amendment to prevent the age being dropped.

My OC Wing already enforces a mandatory move for CIs going into uniform. This is similar I guess.

What’s not clear is if thet stay as SC until 20, can they then become CFAV at the same unit?

It’s a fairly common thing, thankfully it’s not a MUST and it provides a process for becoming a CFAV at their current sqn.

Ultimately there’s pros and cons to both, moving to a new unit means personal development and growth that might not exist at the current unit, plus element of sharing best practice etc. Moving to a new unit also removes the new CFAV from potential safeguarding issues etc.

Staying on the existing unit is obviously the comfortable choice for many, and might be the best option for transport issues etc.

Given how far apart squadrons are in certain areas, staying at the same unit may well be the only option.


Yep, absolutely.
Here’s hoping OC Wg’s have a sensible head on their shoulders . . .

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it does also make me wonder how the other unit will be chosen.

will it be the “next closest” or the “next closest that need more staff”?

I recall when I moved wings I was open to going where was best suited, but did not expect to be asked to attend the 4th closest Squadron to me (I expected it to be one of two options and the most needed of them picked) and it was selected because they were short staffed - only two uniformed CFAVs

if a O18 becoming CFAV is asked to move unit will they be asked to move to the one Wing/WSO needs them to be at, or the one which offers them the best start/chance as a CFAV…?

(and what if their “home” unit is already the most deserving? with all neighbouring Sqns well staffed)

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In theory this is the ideal but in practice it very often doesn’t work like that.

I was asked to move sqns to support a newly appointed CO. I did willing but instead of being a defined role which I was assured would happen I was dumped in a cliche Sqn with no tasking & left to rot. In 12 months despite being an experienced officer nominally 2ic of the unit qualified on shooting, radio, first aid & leadership my main achievement was updating the tea list.

It was an utterly toxic & horrible time & thankfully I was able to transfer back as otherwise I would have left.

The base principle here must be

  1. does the volunteer actually want to move?
  2. what would be the purpose of the move?
  3. what does the volunteer gain?
  4. are they given a well defined & purposeful role before the move.

If the above is not in place then you are moving to tick a box.

Now TK has said that it advised but not a requirement, but I can see OC Wgs & WSo being a bit over zealous on this.

Perhaps it should be tweaked to if CIs then encouraged to move but if uniform need to move.

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And what if the next squadron in particular in rural read is 20 or 30 miles away?

Does it remove the new CFAV from potential safeguarding issues. They are quite legitimately in a relationship on the squadron, they will still be in a relationship with a Corps member even if on a different squadron.

HTD - just to keep costs down! :wink:


I went through this myself, and it was definitely to my benefit - cadets becoming staff are too close to the cadet cadre (understandably) and it can cause significant boundary/safeguarding problems. However, there is a knock-on negative impact on retention.

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If the new CFAV is in a relationship with a Cadet then that’s a completely different ball-game, and you’re quite correct that they’ll still be in that relationship.
Safeguarding issues can arise regardless of relationship status.

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A cadet becomes a CFAV at 18 and his partner is a cadet at 17, then what happens, so you one or both cadets/staff? In particular if they say we’re not breaking up, do you dismiss or both?

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