Changes to over 18s - New IBN for WEF 2024

I mean based on this why would anyone want to remain a staff cadet?


You can just see the vast turnover of new appointed CFAV at 18 lasting less than 2 yrs before real life takes them away
Could be a huge admin burden in transfer/resignation


On the plus side it does give access for those who left at 15/16 and come back at 18/19 a way to actual come back without having to wait until they are 20


How did/does this impact the ACF…? Given their system is 18 = CFAV do they face the same issues?

If I was 18 again, I’d opt to prolong the cadet experience (bearing in mind all the stuff you can’t do until you’re 16 or 18) over becoming CFAV every day of the week and twice on Sundays.


It also allows us to tap into the student market.

There was little point previously in targeting undergrads for CFAV recruitment as most would only have a year left on their course. And staff cadet service isn’t necessary what they want - it would also require them to still be ‘in’ to transfer across. If they’d left in say year 12 they couldn’t come back until 20.

I’ve worked with some 18 year old ACF CFAV, and they’ve been good.


That is only the case overnight and on parade nights currently. No rule against staff cadets running a non-parade night activity with no CFAV.

Correct me if I’m wrong…

Though to be fair that’s more of a loophole than something we really should do

Happens at least 6 times a year at my sqn, but not with these no rules.

That was the intent of the previous changes, treat them like staff if they can be.

Yeah, seen examples of qualified staff cadets out running AT stuff without another CFAV.

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The ACF recruited 18YO me at the Fresher’s Fair. As I’d been a cdt sgt they let me keep that rank on all my uniform instead of PI.

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Our sqn already has too many staff, so we would likely be sent to another sqn to even numbers out. Also I would need to stay as a cadet to be Lord-lieutenants cadet, whilst I’m over 18.
And apparently the age for CWO is now 17, but again there are already 2 on my sqn, and I don’t particularly want to have to move to another one

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In my experience, yes. Those who join at 18 are usually ex cadets, and they come back as CFAVs fairly but don’t account for university. They go off to uni and come back at the odd weekend, but soon that becomes tiresome and they leave. I can’t remember the last time we recruited an 18 year old ex cadet who actually remained more than 2 years.

If you have a cadet who is 18 and goes off to uni, I would suggest to them that they do not come back as a CFAV for at least a year, that way they know how much free time they really have.

Those who join as CFAVs but were not cadets are usually 20+ when they join.

On a related matter, we recently discontinued our staff cadet system, though no one has actually explained why. It did actually have decent benefits. I think the “old and bold” couldn’t handle the idea of someone who was 18 or 19, with “cadet” in their title, sharing accommodation with instructors, when in reality they were all legally adults.


JL hopefully, if it gets announced it won’t be running 25-26 i will be transitioning (either to CFAV or Civvie)

That seems like a better answer.

Treat them exactly like adults, according to their age, but strictly limit the responsibility that can be placed on their shoulders via policy.

Even let them open a building without a 20yo+ CFAV because that’s where they can add the most value without having to run anything more involved than a drill night or movie night…

It does feel like this is more complicated than it needs to be, and it’d be interesting to observe the dynamics as you get CFAVs younger than staff cadets.

i’ve Read it (somehow) and it just seems like they’ve taken the “staff” out of Staff cadet, and also put some daft limit on O18 transporting U18,

I guess it solves the issue of SC not getting Fuel miles lol. but it’s also just a massive over reach, as they’re assuming that this government legislation will be passed and approved, and so what if i get a lift to an activity with a friend 3 months older than me

Could the organisation really be justifiably held accountable for cadets who can drive giving a lift to other cadets, save them being chronically sleep deprived from a camp or something?

It feels like you’re (the organisation) getting involved with things that are covered by other laws.

I remember back in the day a mate driving me to the local base for a day just to help me get some clothing from the store. He was legal and we could do that in a non-cadet capacity, so…

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I wonder what the rules will be around social media, relationships etc now. Surely there can’t be a power imbalance argument if there are no ‘staff’ responsibilities now? And how will it apply between 18/19 yo staff cadets and 18/19yo CFAVs?

No this is absolutely the best thing to come out of it, and to be fair the laws are soon going to be changing with it.

And they’ve justified why they’ve put the ban in.

How is it for the best? Cadets driving each other to events takes the pressure off units who can’t afford MT such as my own?

If a SC is already droving to an event, why not take 2-3 Cadets with them

and you’re making an assumption that westminster will do what they say. are you new here?