CFM Eligibility Changed

On this subject if applying for a clasp, on the form under service details do you include the service which got them the CFM, and then a separate line for the 6 years for clasp? Or just put the service from date of CFM to now for clasp? Or just put start date to present and let them work it out?

I put the full whack to show the 18 years


Thanks! Yeah like 20mins from me.

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The quality of Mess Dress medal mounting is pretty poor though.
They’re cheap but it shows.

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Having just done mine earlier this year I did the full service

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And do you end the service with today’s date, or the date on which you were eligible?

eg hypothetically do I put

17 Feb 03 - 17 Feb 21
or 17 Feb 03 - present

(asking for a friend, natch…)

Erm…I did it for the date on which I was eligible by the looks of it (give or take a few days). So in your example, the former.

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I put present for the 2 I recently put through as it was for the medal, not a clasp. But i guess the same applies

Few people I know listed, good stuff. As for me for my CFM, nope lol!

Our TEST Sgt mentioned yesterday there was a new process for this - anyone know what this might be?

Isn’t it just fill in the form, send it off… Same as it’s always been? Unless it’s changed radically in the last couple of months.

Last Sept it was just the usual form emailed to my wing where the email counted as the electronic signature

New electronic PDF form, it appears. I’ve asked for guidance on whether it needs wet signatures but I assume not as the final box has date dropdowns for HQAC to complete.

Yep, mine went on the new PDF form. HQAC still wanted a hard copy though (I emailed it to Wing HQ with a copy of my sig on).

Of course they did :woman_facepalming:t2:

I emailed the word form, with no hard copy signatures and no hard copy requested by WHQ…

I didn’t sign mine at all

With things that really matter as little as this I’ve been known to paste in a handy cleaned up PNG I have of my signature and just hope nobody questions it.

I noticed a few weeks ago that the form (Pers 1-12) had disappeared from sharepoint, so assumed a new process of some type.
I did ask for clarification on behalf of one of my guys, but didn’t hear anything back.

No new Pers Form 1-12 on sharepoint yet.

Luckily I found the copy i used recently…