CFM Eligibility Changed

Check this guy out. He’s a CFAV.


I know a guy, a CFAV that does it for a reasonable cost, let me know if you want the details.


Can you link me? I can never seem to find the version of the gazette online

Make sure you download the whole publication and not the first page

Think there’s another forum member on there

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Interesting that they use ATC and not RAFAC for postnominals there

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Yeah noticed that.

Also fair play to the guy getting his 6th clasp!

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Give that man a knighthood/woman a damehood [delete as applicable] for putting up with everything for 48 years at least (if my maths is right)


That’s what i worked it out as

Would be longer than that, his older ones would’ve been 8 years each

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That’s because it’s not, strictly, postnominals; it’s branch of service. Same as is engraved on the medal.

I’ve worked it out as 50 years. It’s been 30 years since the rules changed in 1991 so he would have 5 6 years clasps plus 1 8 year clasp and the initial 12 years.

Never knew that! Still incredible commitment… Almost big gong worthy

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He’s a member of staff in my Wing. Such a great asset to all

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Indeed if they can’t think of enough evidence to get him a BEM or an MBE they aren’t trying.


My 1st clasp has still not been gazetted. I saw Alex Corbin’s and Batfinks medals mentioned yesterday.

I’m now 16mths overdue for the award but am 1yr 4mths in towards a second clasp without having been awarded the first.


I’d be resubmitting

Can you set up some clever email system that sends the same submission every day to someone until they action it?


There are a couple of people I know. Great to see it, I’d like for it to be pushed more widely though so people know.

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Try these guys…I have

Based in Bournemouth I understand it is your neck of the woods so might be worth dropping by to save on P&P?

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