CFM Eligibility Changed

MOD2250 is the form

Gone in now - electronic was indeed the way forward, with my Contingent Commander ‘signing’ it by sending from an Armymail account.

My clasp still isn’t on the unit nor has it been gazetted up until yesterday.

1 year and 4months in. Getting a tad pissed-off now…


Just had some marvellous news! Applied for mine in Dec 19, even with Covid working etc etc, thought I’d chase it up; ‘No record of application’ at HQRAFAC!

Can anyone be held accountable for ‘losing’ admin? It seems to me that it happens with all too regular monotony.


Qualifies as a data breach under GDPR, possibly?


This. Report it as they won’t. They like to pretend they never have any breaches


Very little personal data on it though

Report via the MOD’s Security Reporting System. Get Wing to do, they have access to MODNet, if they won’t or refuse go up CoC to WO Parton if necessary.

The CoC in RAFAC seem to turn a blind eye to simple breaches like this. Whilst there was a push a few years ago, the process seems to have fallen flat.

This sort of thing is reported and investigated in the MOD, don’t think because we are the CF is won’t be!

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So an interesting one is the its says upto 3 years service can be used, but doesn’t states any time lasted on that… Up to 3 years’ service with any of the following may be used towards the CFMif it’s not been used towards another medal:

  • Reserve Forces
  • Regular Forces
  • Officer Training Corps
  • University Air Squadrons

So does that mean anyone that has served and then had a big break in between can add upto 3 years to the criteria??

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Yes. If it hasn’t been claimed to another medal and you meet the minimum attendance requirements

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Be wary that the iHub have recently gone and re-uploaded the old, and presumably now completely void, Pers Form 1-12 to Sharepoint again.

It is not the current MOD Form 002250.

I need some court mounting redoing, and some plating redone on a LSGC which found its way into some cola thanks to a RSM during its presentation (Well 2 minutes after at the Bar)… who would you recommend

For court mounting I can recommend someone; but the re-plating is a bit specialist. I’m not sure where I’d look for that.

Same here. I court-mount but I don’t plate medals.

I think it looks cack, anyway.

WO in Beds and Cambs, doing a service in my book👌

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His service was spot on also and very reasonably priced

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“Reasonly priced” now that is a unique selling point.

Has anyone successfully applied for the CFM with a break of service since the eligibility changed? One of my staff applied last year (before Dec 2020) and has had a response from HQAC.

They’ve been turned down due to a break in service and told that the new policy only applies from Dec 2020 and that their service before the break doesn’t count at all? I have no idea how HQAC manage to get that interpretation of the JSP!

The only way the break in service doesn’t count is if they qualified for the medal before December 2020. They can’t then go back and recalculate their eligibility to claim clasps.

I guess we’ll have to challenge HQAC’s interpretation and explain the rules to them. They should understand them better, especially the revised rules, which really aren’t complicated.

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