CFM Eligibility Changed

How many of them left when the delay in this was the last straw in terms of feeling valued?

My Sept 2020 applications not on there :frowning: will keep a closer eye from now on…

How often and when is it published?

Someone getting their 4th and 5th got a promotion inbetween too!


And this is why I’m never going to bother.

I’m not a fan of medals anyway (just a personal thing, nothing against those who do like theirs) but I especially refuse to apply for a medal that I’ve “earned”.

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I mean, that isn’t necessarily unlikely as it is 4 years per clasp isn’t it?

Just surprised me that if it was 5th and 6th clasps that means 32 and 36 years’ service, and obviously we don’t even know when they qualified for them, just when they were issued.

Pretty poor state of affairs.

6 years per clasp


Wg Cdr Hotston will have done 12 years for his CFM, plus another 36 to get his 6th bar. The boy deserves a medal! :grinning:


When did bars drop from 8 to 6 years? He may well have done more than 36 years in bars if he has 1 or 2 of the old ones.

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sometime in the 2000s i think…

Here, here a thousand times. (currently ‘owed’ three clasps)


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Mine isn’t.

Applied for and signed-off in end-January 2020; and confirmed in October 2020 as having been received by HQAC Pers.

Now at 14 months since application confirmed and still waiting.

It’s farcical really.

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It really is.

As I said earlier on it took a good 18 months to get my CFM sorted, so at 18 months waiting for the clasp with COVID too I’m not overly surprised. It’s simply indicative of a poorly managed and under-staffed system.

Ironic really that a number of the questions in the “valuing the volunteer” survey were dancing around the idea of gizzits and rewards for volunteers… Just as well that’s not what actually makes us feel valued because they have never been able to get even that right!

I get the argument that some people don’t want to get a medal (lord knows why) but there really should be some sort of certificate that is auto-magically sent down the CoC from HQ in addition to “you can now apply for your shinnies if you wish”.

You would think it wouldn’t be that hard.

Whilst I know it was auto-generated, on the last working day of 2020 an email arrived at my inbox from the CEO highlighting I would ‘celebrate’ 10 years with the company in 2021, thanking me for my service, informing me that HR would be in touch to arrange to celebrate with the senior managers (PR stunt) on the anniversary and what else applied.

Surely would be quite straightforward to send something similar. Maybe one for VoV?

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Jugglers and singers require applause… But you are a Lannister CFAV!


But remember that a CFAV always pays their debts

Of which there are many due to the way VA works :joy:

Lots of shinys in yesterday’s gazette… On that note how much is medal mounting :raising_hand_man::raising_hand_man: