CFM Eligibility Changed

CFM clasp application approved and sent electronically to HQAC by RHQ on 18 Feb; HQAC respond to say it needs to be hard copy with wet signature as that’s what the MOD medal office requires (sigh…) and also that MOD medal office are working from home so can’t give a timeline on processing.

So seems that they are getting processed by HQAC (albeit probably slower than normal as people are no doubt only in the office to deal with paper stuff periodically) - and the delay is with the MOD medal office.

So far I’d say the timeline has been fine - will probs take a while to get a hard copy through the system as people are only periodically in the office but that’s only likely to be a few weeks.

Interesting mine was done electronically last Sept and I’ve heard nothing back about that being an issue

I was told recently that Wing HQ are still waiting for applications from late 2019 to be completed, so it could be a while #expectationmanagement

I have no particular expectation; just pointing out that the problem does not appear to be within RAFAC control as has been suggested above.

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I did one for my staff last year electronically and although WHQ did try and say it needed to be hard copy, I asked them to at least try and submit digitally for now given lockdown. I haven’t heard anything.

A large number of CFM/Clasps in today’s gazette.
2x6th clasp
4x5th clasp
11x4th clasp
16x3rd clasp
16x2nd clasp
30x1st clasp

Looks like someone has done a shed load of paperwork this week. @Gunner will be pleased.

No commissions again, but some extensions of service


I keep checking for this!

My Clasp is in there! Only taken 16 months.


Mine didn’t make it then lol. Good too see the clasp for one of my Staff did though.

Is it bad that Wing Commander Training got a 5th and 6th clasp announced simultaneously?



Well that’s your secret identity blown then… :rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy:

Ah… Someone who can give us some context.

If I may ask, when did they/you apply for the clasp? It’d be interesting to know how far behind they’re running.

One of the biggest gripes with the system is the not knowing. After 18 months one wonders whether it’s just the usual poor-show or whether the application is lost somewhere and one needs to resubmit.

My Staff member, November 2019 . Me, Jan this year (so very optimistic!).

So hopefully down to no more than a 15 month or so backlog…

Moi aussi

They may have not applied for the 5th at the time. If I had that many clasps I’d forget.

I did wonder how many multiple entries there would be. But couldn’t be bothered to check.

Thank you for that.

Hmmm… I applied in September 2019… It could go either way.

Hilarious :man_shrugging:t2: A number on the list I recognise and they’ve already departed the Corps :roll_eyes: