Nothing surprises me in this regard… Back when I submitted my CFM application for the second time (on the first try nothing was heard for months), I eventually had it returned with a note from HQAC saying “Our records show that FS so-and-so isn’t eligible until blah… Only cadet service over 18 years of age can count towards the award.” and with my date of birth also written on the note.
No kidding!!? That’s why I listed the first 2 years of service nice and clearly as "Cadet Service Over 18" and running from - oddly enough - my 18th birthday.
Honestly… When simple words and reading numbers like that proves too complicated for people is it any wonder we are still struggling?
It’s a nonsense that you have to write the dates down, do not HQAC have all this information ie when your eligible service began? This then starts a count, when this hits the prerequisite number the medal or clasp comes with a thank-you for giving up your time and hits the doormat a few weeks later. This then appears on your online record under a suitable tab. They are quick enough to admonish / suspend people if something expires, but need an additional prompt to do “nice things”.
But as I have said the CFM should be given to all adults, which gets around the viable service BS. Then if there are any breaks these are duly noted on the system, the count stops and starts.
You’d of thought HQAC would have the info correct… however they have (trying to correct) me down as a CI for 2.5yrs in the middle of me being a WO from 94 until 2017… go figure!
My army Long Serviceone just turned up, I never had to apply… first I knew of i was when the Brigadiers letter arrived on the RSMs desk to find out if my wife was attending the presentation so they could present her a Bouquet of flowers.