CFM Eligibility Changed

Same here :roll_eyes: but told nothing :man_shrugging:t2:

Hi everyone,

I have a query re the CFM.

I see it is in two points
1, be an officer or uniformed adult instructor
2, have completed 12 years’ qualifying service

Are these points separate from each other? Could a Fg Off with three years service in uniform claim the CFM IF they also had 10 years service as a CI?

No. The qualifying service must all be uniformed.


this should be read as

be an officer or uniformed adult instructor and have completed 12 years’ qualifying service

or more accurately
have completed 12 years’ qualifying service as an officer or uniformed adult instructor

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Qualifying service is defined as service as a uniformed adult, so unfortunately you can’t count service as an ATC CI towards CFM

I have known people use time accrued from outside the ATC to count this towards qualifying service for jubilee medals but it does get a bit technical.

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This is similar to the point I made here in respect of Jubilee medals.

However, unlike for Jubilee medals, the CFM regulation says that qualifying service is :

a. Aggregated service after the age of eighteen as a uniformed Cadet Force Adult Volunteer in any of the Cadet Forces listed in paragraph 6.

b. Service after the age of eighteen as a cadet in any of the Cadet Forces listed in paragraph 6, up to a maximum of two years’ service.

I agree that this is grossly unfair and is demoralising to the hard work put in by CIs across the corps.


I thought that was the case but it is rather vague.

Thank you all for your speedy responses too!

As I mentioned on another thread, now that the are dress regs for CIs in AP1358C you could try and argue that they are uniformed CFAVs as that term isn’t defined anywhere in the CFM regs. Though I doubt you’d get a positive response from HQAC

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You’d not have a hope… The same ‘dress regs’ for CIs have been in there since the AP was introduced. It’s not a new situation. Besides, being told what is appropriate to wear or not isn’t the same as being a “Uniformed CFAV”; and the JSP (which in turn is just quoting from the Royal order) is clear in its intention that the medal is not awarded for non-uniformed service. HQAC couldn’t change it if they wanted to.

[Pedant mode on]
Just like FD argued above, you could argue that CI do have a uniform, polo shirt, sweat shirt and a badge of office all mandated wear in our ACPs. It is a form of uniform it may not be a “military” uniform but it is a uniform none the less.
How warish is a shirt and tie with a woolly jumper and slacks?
[pedant mode off]

In continuation of pedant mode, I believe HMRC makes a specific distinction between logoed work wear and uniform which is regulated under the uniform act.

So you may have to delve deep into tax regulations to make a change in definitions for medal recognition policy. :wink:

the same could be said for a Padre…

Resurrecting this thread after a thought reading the the Jubilee thread, but on 21st December there was another batch of CFM’s Gazetted, including mine at last lol! Wonder how long before I am told and receive the medal lol!

Congratulations! Hopefully your medal arrives before Remembrance Sunday




Are they online?

Might my clasp be listed?

Just wondering down the back of which sofa at HQAC I should start looking for it, nearly a year after applying.

Just to check, say for instance I was a cadet from 18-20, then a CI until 22, then did 10 years commission, does that mean I’ve done my 12?

They were in the Gazette dated 21st December. I literally searched for my service number in the search box on the Gazette website and it brought up the relevant page of that edition.

Don’t think so, I was in the same situation but only used my Uniform time to make the 12 years.

That was certainly the case.

I received my CFM when I was thirty, after holding a commission for 8 years.