CFM Eligibility Changed

Yes…this is basically how I did it…although i did less time as a CI combined with a change of location under the old system which permitted breaks in service for such reasons.

Given the latest change permits breaks in service regardless of reasons and keeps you “marking time” I would be willing to submit a claim

Hey, just wondering if anyone had a timescale on the issue of CFMs lately?

I know during covid there were severe delays but hoping things are a bit more positive! I’ve just put my application in so keen to have an idea!

Thank you :blush:

About a year from applying to being awarded


The next jubilee :man_shrugging:t2:


#valuing our volunteers

Last I heard (on the rumour mill so no idea if this is true) is at HQ RAFAC the post that deals with applications is no longer gapped and actually has someone in post.

The system they have is they submit a batch of medal applications to the medal office approx every 3 months once the previous submission has been approved by the medal office then the medal office take approx 3 months to process it once they receive the batch from cranwell then the time it takes to get to wing and for wing to get it to you. It should be at wing anywhere between 4-8 months after the form is received at cranwell depending on if you just get into a submission window or just miss out on a window and need to wait 3 months till the next submission. (Assuming that there is no query’s or question about eligibility or errors on the form that may delay processing through to the medal office.
How long it takes to get from wing HQ to you :person_shrugging:.

This time frame seems to be about right from experience of individuals I know in the last 12 months who have submitted applications.


Hmm. My clasp is coming up for the first anniversary of application.

Heard on the grapevine that mine is with OC Wg, so checked The Gazette and it was promulgated earlier this year, only 26 months after applying!

An interesting situation with two officers in our wing:

Officer A : Been a cadet with service to 20 and joined the RAF and served 6 years, rejoined as a uniformed CFAV and has done four years since. Applied for CFM, declined by WExO as the a Regular Service was after their service as an over 18 cadet. Been told must wait out six more years before reapplying . If she had left cadet service at 18 then she would have been awarded.

Officer B : Been a cadet with service to 22 (old CWO rules), after a break rejoins as a CI then uniformed. Has done 10 years in uniform - Applies for and gets the CFM awarded.

Both done the same period of time in uniform. One gets the medal, other doesn’t. Is this really ‘valuing the volunteer’ who brings a great deal of knowledge from her regular service with her?

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That’s because Regular service can count for up to 3 years maximum. So A hasn’t got enough time with 2 yrs over 18 cdt, 3 yrs Regular (maximum allowable) and 4 yrs uniformed CFAV, whilst B has 4 yrs over 18 cdt and 10 yrs uniformed CFAV.


So they shouldn’t need 6 extra years but it seems correct that they don’t qualify under the rules yet

Although only 2 of those 4 years of over 18 service can count so they would have to do 6 years to get the bar not 4.

No, they were told none of their RAF service counts as it was after they were an O18 cadet.

That might have been the case in certain situations due to gap under the pre 2020 rules but isn’t anymore. If they have not received the medal yet the 2020 rules apply.

Looks that way! I know some on here have had issues claiming Regular service, mine wasn’t questioned - they just ‘lost’ the original application!

Now, that’s an interesting one…

The regulations allow “Service, up to a maximum of three years as a commissioned officer or in the ranks, in the Regular Forces of the United Kingdom, provided that such service shall precede service in the Cadet Forces…”

The intention there is presumably so that someone doesn’t do 2 years as a cadet, 7 as a uniformed CFAV and then leave to join the RAF and then claim the CFM three years later whilst serving in the RAF - not as a CFAV.

Whilst technically the RAF service did not precede those 2 years of cadet service, they certainly preceded the CFAV service.
I’m not convinced that the WExO has got that right. They may be right… But I’m not convinced. I reckon that would be a question for the medal board.

In the worse case she should be able to count 3 years RAF plus 4 years uniformed CFAV meaning she’s only 5 years left to serve, not 6.
But my guess is that she should be able to aggregate all and thus be only 3 years away.

Can’t believe they didn’t serve their country before they were an O18 cadet.

Absolutely disgusting to think they then should get a medal for that.


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If it got to HQ RAFAC I’m sure it would be fine I know of an individual who did o18 service then few years army then came back as CFAV after a big gap between regular service and rejoining as a CFAV and got the medal last year. The problem would be getting it past the WEXO although technically the form now only requires OC Wings signature and then can go direct to HQ RAFAC so could at the appropriate point the wexo be bypassed?

I’d be inclined to speak to OC Wing, and if there’s still a blockage at WHQ after that, the RC is the WExO’s boss and could overrule…

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In my experience, Wg HQs just acted as a mail conduit to HQRAFAC. They only checked that the form had information where it should have and that it was signed and countersigned. The WExO wasn’t usually the countersignatory either, that was WSOs or even Sqn Cdrs. Region were never involved.

We’ve heard of some interesting ‘interpretations’ of eligibilty from HQRAFAC who are the delegated awarding authority. MODMO may also check as well, but I think they’re unlikely to overrule HQRAFAC’s decision.