Celebrating Success / Feel Good Stories from the RAFAC

What system are you using?

Always good to see cadets marching in London. Today for Trafalgar day!


Air and Army cadets supporting the Sea Cadets! :slight_smile:


Great remembrance parade led by ATC, and we were massively up on Army Cadet numbers.


Took part in my first Remembrance Parade as an Officer today. It was great to see the cadets on parade, especially the handful of new cadets from our recruitment push last month.

Sadly, no Sea Cadets or Army Cadets to compare to, since there are none in the area.


You’ll just have to compare them to other units near you… :wink:

Great that you took part, and hope it went well?

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Already looking at your unit and thinking “how can I nick all your ideas” :wink:

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drop me a message on here, or through Teams. I’m sure I can help…

Great to have a band for the parade, first time we’ve managed that in 7 years, they did a great job too.

And we had 50 formed up behind them to really boost the numbers - more than the SCC/RMC and ACF combined!


42 cadets down on Friday (87%) followed up by max numbers on parade while having 6 flying and our recruits from 2 weeks ago not involved.


You had flying today?

We did, and all 6 flew.

The previous WAvnO allocations were based on bids and we bid for every single slot every single time.

If it was a PM slot, was your’s I saw overhead my house…


Did AT today.

Not going to lie, I was dreading it. The last few have been cancelled through lack of interest from the cadets - and even this one saw a high drop out rate.

BUT we took the decision to force it through. And so pleased we did! Alongside the navigation training and sensible discussion about adventure training, we also walked, talked and explored some incredible and diverse subjects - and I learned as much as I hope they did!! (I didn’t know a juvenile trout is called a “Parr”).



Awesome Wing awards event this afternoon…great stuff from lots of Cadets/Ex Cadets/CFAVs

Also Cake offering was a 10/10


I have had a productive weekend at Cranwell with most of my training resource development team and some of the space instructor team.

We got a lot done, including producing more silver space content, drafting assessment ideas for the BTEC in Space Studies, writing a space instructor train-the-trainer course and integrating some practical activities for the silver syllabus!

We have also released some fantastic new Radio and Radar training resources today for Senior/Master Air Cadet. :slight_smile:


Self taught? Or will I have to go on a 6 week course with my wing space officer to be put on a list to give out a blue badge?


Not a joking matter.
These rafac non courses to be able to teach basic science are insulting.
If compentant, there should be no need to attend.
Self certification of compentence for non risk to life should be allowed also.

Empire building breeds from these non courses.


I agree. Empire building, local rules, people that enjoy creating roadblocks rather than removing them; I have no time for that and gladly sweep it out the way in my AoR.

It’s a shame the revolutionary idea of trying to get things done is drowned out by the army of self harming CFAV that get off on saying no.

  1. this is a good news stories thread. Take your moaning elsewhere.
  2. sure, I bet we have loads of people who have a knowledge of space good enough to actually teach people :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

We’ve built the space syllabus to make it as easy as possible for anyone to deliver who has an interest, so we won’t be making people do the course just to run space training at their squadron. Instead, it will be something optional that staff can upskill themselves if they want to.

The initial batch of space instructors went to the National Space Centre earlier this year and were shown lots of exciting practical activities that can be delivered very cheaply or at no cost to units. Essentially, it will show staff how to do some practical experiments to make the syllabus more interesting for their cadets. It will be no more than a day and will be run locally. :slight_smile:.