Celebrating Success / Feel Good Stories from the RAFAC

It went through regions I believe, who had their own selection process from there. That being said, it was all very last minute (not through the fault of the RAFAC). The cadets chosen have been brilliant, and were really good candidates for the trip. :slight_smile:

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How are staff being selected for this?

Yeah i want to know this :joy:

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I wrote the space syllabus, so was asked this year :smiley:

[spoiler alert] There will be space instructor teams very soon - I reckon we’ll choose candidates from that for next year :slight_smile:

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Hit me up :joy:


I’d genuinely be up for joining that team of instructors. Not for the chance of a jolly to the states as it’s going to be many years before I can convince SWMBO that she can manage the kids by herself that long, but because I’m interested in getting involved in this new area

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@Farmerdan I’ve sent you a message. :slight_smile:


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Not the RAFAC but in the same context…


That’s an achievement. Well done to her.

I have an active waiting list for joining for the first time in memory. 15 cadets due to join us over our next 2 intakes!


New intake looks to be at least 20, possibly have a couple of new members of staff looking to join. Just need a bigger building to fit us all in!


We’ve moved to an online payment system for subs and although a bit of work to get set up, it has made monitoring and administering them so much simpler and quicker. I can see who has paid in real time, when they paid, whether the payment has gone through or is pending. Much better than our old standing order system.


Can you come over and present to my CivCom?

Sure. I’ll need some commission though!

You’ve got a VR and a CF commission. What else do you want? An SCC one?


What are you trying to do… Cause an exodus?! You madman…

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Oh yeah

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I’m sure that could be arranged.

Well, only one of those is worth the paper it’s printed on, so a side hustle is always on the cards.