Celebrating Success / Feel Good Stories from the RAFAC

This is a thread about success stories. Feel free to PM people if you want to ask them :slight_smile:


We just contact our RFCA with their self help form. Simple!

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Looking through the plan for this summer and all the camps that our cadets are attending, including RIAT, Nijmegen, Blues camps, adventure training camp, national drill and aerospace camps, plus bidding for some Gold courses. All in 25+ cadets should be getting a week away with RAFAC.
Thanks for everyone who plans and staffs all of the camps!


Celebrating success/feel good - Andrew Bracegirdle’s comms are on point!! Well done to the digital team for giving us good gen on their activities and vision going forwards!!!


And he is a Really Decent Bloke

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Sounds like learn is almost here :crossed_fingers:



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A fantastic idea.

Why not try it yourself at RIAT, or give those cadets a shout and help them out if you see them.


That’s a pretty neat idea!

Why is that link in Cyrillic?

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No idea comrade…

I copied and pasted straight from my browser l.

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Maybe Vlad is keeping an eye on you lol

Or he is Vlad

A nice little plug from our Ambassador


Random member of the public taking the time to look up the details of our cadet who’s been appointed Wing band drum major in order to send in a glowing appraisal of his first public performance in the role :+1:


One of mine!

Very proud Sqn Av O! :blush:

She got back from (solo) ACPS a couple of weeks ago too.


I was so proud and honoured to accompany four cadets to the USA for a fully funded space camp experience at The US Space and Rocket Centre in Alabama.

The charity that funded the trip has committed to working with the RAFAC and will send four cadets and a staff member to the camp each year from now on! :slight_smile:

If you are at RIAT this year, you’ll see the cadet team and me there on Saturday. Come and say hi!

I’ll be using what I’ve learned to improve and expand our space syllabus. :slight_smile:


An absolutely awesome opportunity, both for you and the cadets! Very jealous :smiley: :smiley:

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Sounds like a fantastic opportunity.

How were the cadets selected?