Carol Vorderman - Group Captain (Retired)

They’re still going strong!!

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This is always the question we come back to. I think the key aspects are

  • someone who is notable in their field & outside the normal military experience
  • can appeal to cadets & adult staff as a positive influence.
  • someone who has their own established media presence independent of the ambassador role itself so their promotion of the RAFAC can be alongside their current day job.
  • can bring their knowledge & experience to help develop & RAFACs delivery.
  • ideally have a link to aviation, science or technology

Vorders fits this (although she maybe becoming a political liability), chris Hoy never did.

Rowboat Emma (sorry don’t know her second name) isn’t known outside the RAF & barely within it despite her enthusiasm (?)

Dr Becky would work if she was interested (& could probably help get the space syllabus actually sensible) & young enough that she would be encouraging to the younger cadets & staff.

I think a rule of thumb is that if they don’t have their own Wikipedia entry then the probably don’t have the kudos to be an effective & influential ambassador.


I dropped off a few years ago and stopped seeing them so thought they had finished. Good to know they are still going.

Just had a google to look up the ambassador Emma & discovered that the ambassadors are granted a cadet forces commission so they should be technically eligible for any medals (subject to completing the minimum amount of training days)

The platinum jubilee DIN explicitly said that honorary appointments were not eligible.
Pretty sure the CFC wording for this lot states that it is an honorary one


Were we not already the geeky ones? I only said it as a jokey suggestion but there’s nothing wrong with pushing for curiosity and STEM, he seems like the guy for that.

Either way, I think it’s time for a new ambassador.


With this relentless push to STEM and space, how many are being put off joining because they want to have ‘fun’ rather than just another school session and forgetting those who are educationally unable to participate?

Ooooooops I said the word ‘fun’ but I think I got away with it?


A celebrity who owns and pilots multiple aircraft, who everyone has heard of, and has good connections with industry…Lord Alan Sugar anyone?

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He’s not controversial on Twitter at all

Good point.

I mean aviation is full of STEM in every aspect (not that we get to do much of that). STEM can and should be made fun rather than the way it is in school where you’re under pressure to memorise facts and information.

She has just removed ‘Honorary RAF Group Captain’ from her twitter bio apparently!
Maybe she’s jacking her ambassadorial role to concentrate on bringing down the government?



Maybe HQAC have had quite enough.

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Nope, still there.


She must be reading these forums because this was her bio at 8:00 this morning.


Wasn’t there this morning & highlighted by Felicity Mercer who also tagged CAS.


John Travolta certainly fulfills these criteria but I definitely wouldn’t want him as an ambassador!

However Bruce Dickinson I could be persuaded to accept


Im so glad i dont use twitter

Bruce gets my vote

If this is correct, he is already an honorary Gp Capt


Am I right in thinking Vorders was an Honorary RAFAC Gp Cpt rather than RAF as she states? Do we have our first celebrity RAFAC walt posing as RAF?