Bader Squadron Management System v5

Probably more than half lol

Registers are broke!

I am the OC. And I need to approve said events.

Staff training on the new system!
Use your head

Looks great. Excellent GUI. But clearly the back end needs some support and better / faster servers.

Slow as death is right.

Also it died several times when I tried to filter by event type. Oh and the google map interface seems not to be working.

But like I said the visuals are nice.

Pretty quick for me switching between pages. Much prefer the lay out now and can’t wait for it to be all set up. So far I likes what I see’s

Looks like you have to reset the permissions on staff accounts.

Crashes whenever we attempt to make a member of staff IC of an activity. Tad frustrating.

Agreed, although I don’t know why they didn’t start first thing in the morning.

Given that this is (presumably) effectively a new front-end for an extant back-end though, it does seem a little odd that it couldn’t be rolled out in parallel, which would have eased some of the teething issues.

It was started at 4 in the morning, didn’t get to the system down stage until 1…

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There is more to this update than a simple buff and polish.


I only tried to do one thing on it last night, and I didn’t have permission to do it?

@james_elliott Are you aware of any feedback mechanism or review process that is in place for SMSv5 that will focus on functional queries or concerns?

Obviously bugs will be reported to the helpdesk in the normal manner, but now that I can access the system I am starting to build a list of questions and concerns about the designed functions and the decisions which led to them. At the moment this is mostly demands for information in events that is not relevant and does not exist, but there may be more we find later.

I cant get on or see the events page. Error 500 each time.

Google map link in not working.

Faster this morning but I guess most at work.

Date filter doesnt work in register. I.e can’t show oldest to newest.

Attendance percentages not working. Are that linked to the old register fields? I have 1 cadet for example has 50 percent attendance. Showing as 0% in every field.

Desperately need a filter on dashboard to filter OUT external activities we have been invited to.
I really don’t care about alpine skiing for example. None of my cadets have the money to go either. Can I uninvited the Sqn?

Why does Sqn strength on dashboard now include all staff and civ com. Yet parading figures only include cadets? Makes our percentage look gash.

Just like portal has a feedback tool. SMS should have one for staff. Helpdesk is slow, cumbersome and a massive ball ache.

Menus on left dont always scroll.
Also why cant I just click an icon on left and it take me to staff or cadets… not have to hover and use sub menu?

I’m sure it will be fixed… in V5.1

On the strength thing, it does seem to have forgotten about the existence of warrant officers (or they’ve been lumped in with SNCOs and there’s a bug that means my WO isn’t showing)

Quick summary of where we are

  1. Event permissions are resolved
  2. Creation of registers has been resolved.
  3. Events older than 2 months have been completed or cancelled - which has had a positive impact on the event page speed, but there is still work to do on this
  4. Old register codes have been corrected, all old registers now work correctly and can be viewed

What would be ideal is if that list could be compiled and sent to the Bader POC for collation/filtering before it is sent over to us through Microsoft Teams.

The sorting and filtering doesn’t seem to work well. Lists default to a-z by first name which isn’t ideal. Sorting by DoB doesn’t work. Can’t seem to add wing, region or HQ staff to an event either.

Other problems having is showing old squadron on “my profile” and not current squadron even though unit history is all correct

The event filter by date is broken.

All I need. Is to be able to see all the Sqn events in date order oldest to newest.

I’m not even sure what it is filtering by.

I can’t even log in, keeps thinking my password is wrong!

Also, the drop down in event category is bust.

Is rolling back an option? Or was it a one way data migration?
Hope not at this stage.