Bader Personal Accounts - They're Here!

roll on merging the three accounts together with one log in!


A very happy day for a lot of people in this organisation! A single inbox to keep all their stuff in one place :sweat_smile:


At the risk of enraging people for not reading the stuff that has been sent out, is there an ETA on the ability to do this?

You should be able to do it straight away once the licence gets added to your account. There’s a link with instructions on the FAQ. :slight_smile:

EDIT: I’m now trying this for my self and the link in the FAQ doesn’t seem to have all the information that is needed…

Got an office 365 license but no apps :frowning:

Try logging in at you should get the apps show up on the left hand side.


Oh, you sure you’ve got the licence added? That’s what mine looked like before the licence got added. I think some more patience is required :stuck_out_tongue:

Andy emailed me to tell me :joy:

If you go to does it show up? I got that email too, but wouldn’t be surprised if a little more time is required.

Saying no Office 365 account…will worry about it tomorrow morning

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I had the email too and still get a 500 on loading a mailbox so I suspect the email was generic.

The licensing has been / is being allocated to users, this then needs MS to create the mailbox etc.

This is currently Phase 5, and is the final phase. Details are linked in the latest email (on mobile so my link would fail )

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When can staff cadets expect their credentials?

Only if they carry out a role

Yep, still awaiting my welcome email. Have been informed it is because Staff Cadets will be sent details later? :thinking:

Do you have a Squadron Role Account allocated to you? Training Officer, Adj, etc?

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Yep :slight_smile:

Ping an email to your Bader POC, they’ll help you out!

See below

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Staff Cadets aren’t getting firstname.lastnameXXX accounts just yet (if at all) if you have a role account a 365 licence will be linked to your Cadet Portal login.

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