Bader Personal Accounts - They're Here!

No clue, I’ve only seen what @Moist_Van_Lipwig quoted above.

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No, you could download Outlook desktop and add a free gmail or outlook account. But you can’t add a M365 mail account if it’s not licensed to use it.

This still works

I know two CFAVs who have a permanent out of office on which indicates the mailbox is only checked once a week when on parade and to “please bare this in mind before chasing for a response”

as far as I am aware, as volunteers i do not know of any policy, guidance or otherwise to suggest appropriate timings to react to emails.

Last month we had “last minute AEF opportunity - first to respond will get the places” an hour later there is a follow up email “places have been allocated to XX Sqn” - but of course I didn’t see either email until the following day!

On the bright side, this will improve my work, cadet, life balance as a quick glance at my emails won’t be possible.

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There’s always going to be stuff like this, where the staff who are free will see it first and their cadets will get the opportunity. Things like cadets pulling out of camps/courses and an email going out to fill the space on first come, first served.

oh absolutely - but my point being if most/everyone now finds it a little bit harder to stay in touch, these opportunities will always fall to the same Squadrons as it is the same staff who remain attached to their inbox

The same place, tbh.

I was talking to someone about how we’ve used MS forms for uniform ordering, and they said that they had seen something about losing access to forms.

Oh, does this change also remove access to forms? What about power automate?

Now that would have a bigger impact for us, we use forms for a lot of things. From promotion applications, and registering interest in the Squadron, to Feedback for courses and Requests for funding.

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So my Wing uses forms almost exclusively for badge ordering at the moment, after a CFAV spent a significant chunk of time tying up all the back ends to automate the process.

I don’t know tbh.

Only that it’s not mentioned in the list of apps.

Makes sense to trim the licenses a bit but beware of unintended consequences. 10k CFAV Microsoft accounts will be a huge cost. Considering MOD did the same reduction process to the regulars and reserves 2 years ago now I’m surprised it hasnt happened to us earlier

Going from £6.60 to £1.85 per user.* That would only be a savings of £47.5k/year, which isn’t really that much. Especially when compared to something like the VA budget with is in the 8 figures.

(*This is a working assumption that are moving from an F3 licence to an F1 license. This is probably not correct, but is probably close enough?)

Does anyone actually know what license we are currently on, and what we’re moving to? We might be on E1 with added teams?

@moderators This maybe wants it’s own thread? Is it possible to get a split out from when @Moist_Van_Lipwig posted about this further up? Possibly move to this thread:

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The licence fees are per user per month.

£6.60 user/month is £792k/year.
£1.85 user/month is £222k/year.
So the move would save £570k/year, assuming 10k accounts, and the correct licence types.

Ah, yeah, that makes a difference! 570k is a fair chunk more.

Absolutely. Also have to question how many licences we have - 10k feels low to me.

It’s actually just over the required, at least based on CFAV numbers from 1st April 2023

I suppose it’s more for perm staff too. We’ve got 10k CFAV as of April 2023. Unsure on total number of perms.

If we are moving to an F1 license, that will kill all Forms and Power Automate access. So those CFAV who have made nice automated process won’t be able to use them any more…

Hence rule 1.
Never waste time building systems based on RAFAC provided systems.

You do it once and then never again.

Always wasted effort in the end.