Bader Personal Accounts - They're Here!

It does but i thought the line of questioning was about O18s having a Sqn role acct like Adj or trg account but yo do needs a personal (ie tony.keeling100 address) to assign the role to

Surely each sqn could just have 1x generic Staffcadet.SQN@…

Ergo not a multitude of accounts

Course IMHO the argument is null about cost when an account is created when the staff member is added to SMS, then within 6 months decides its not for them, it then takes WHQ a further year+ to remove said staff member from the books.

Would have much rather the account be made for my useful staff cadets, (edit…) I mean they’ve already proved that theyre gonna (probably) be around for at least the next 2 years considering the amount of paperwork we’ve shoved under their noses to keep them past 18 in the first place.


But the original purpose of personal accounts was to avoid GDPR and confidentiality issues with shared logins, so that wouldn’t work. (When you take over a shared account from someone else you potentially immediately see a load of personal information which was shared not with you but with someone else.)

Yeah it does but it doesn’t work for email because it doesn’t have licence attributed. It will work for us as staff because we are accessing it as a shared mailbox, via a personal account which does have a licence. Staff cadets are being denied that which means, the email functionality of the multi user doesn’t work. Therefore, multiuser accounts are good for SMS / SPOL only

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Staff Cadets are not being deliberately denied access, the ‘business’ didn’t ask for Staff Cadets to be issued with a licence, and therefore do not have them. It would be wrong for HQ Digital to assume the business wants them without asking for them, being set in policy or approving spend.

Hmm, I didnt know it was a finance thing. That’s the first I’ve head in my Wing. Let’s hope the ‘business’ comes down on the right side of the fence.

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If they allow us to carry out Roles such as Adj or Trg Off, we should be given the tools to do it properly.

Outside of Sqn I only have access to emails on my phone, which is difficult cause I do a large amount of Adj Work outside parade night


I wouldn’t advocate the wholesale issuing of licensed accounts to Staff Cadets, but why does it appear based on what’s been said here that at least in places if not overall they can’t be requested when a staff cadet takes on a role that comes with an inbox?


Are you a new member of staff? If so, it might be that the account hasn’t had the licence added onto it yet.

If you’re not new, check you’ve not been suspended, as that would block your account like this!

Are you resetting via this link?

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Minor admin faff - it seems that annually a CFAV has to “re-sign” the Accts Form 009 (use of Private vehicles for auth’d RAFAC purposes) on Volunteer Portal.

(My Service → Agreements → withdraw current agreement for the form, then sign again).

Otherwise, any F1771 will get bounced!

(No automatic alert to do this - this would be handy to come to Bader Personal Accounts.)

It’s a very interesting one… why do we need to re-declare annually, surely if I have declared then that remains valid, why is it deemed to expire.

We aren’t questioning the old process which was to randomly request the paper form each year having made it digital.

I think what will happen is that it will auto withdraw after 12 months in a future release from digital, if this triggers an email notification would be TBC

The biggest issue is even if you go onto that page and have a look, it doesn’t say it’s out of date. I went on and it said signed in June 2022, and to me still looked valid. But I withdrew and re-signed anyway!

There seems to be an Announcement.

We really are trimming the fat:

If I’m going to have to log into the website separately to check my email, rather than having it come to my desktop then they can rest assured they’ll only get getting replies when I’m on parade.


This could mean one of two things. That the email will now only work when accessed via a website. Or that it won’t give us ‘free’ access to Outlook as an application, so if we already have outlook we can add the email still? Can we still add to Outlook mobile in either case?

If it’s the former, that is going to be a painful change indeed.

Also, where did you see this? Given it’s already April 24, this is news to me! (A search of Sharepoint only shows up a maildrop from GM Wing, no other announcement or post?)

Given that I basically only access my RAFAC emails via the mobile app (notifications turned off, I’m not a masochist), turning this functionality off will likely stop me from checking me emails frequently at all.

Once per week seems fair, right?

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Sounds like the same as our work licences, which we can use the mobile phone app no issues.

We just don’t have a desktop icon on our work computers, so you need to login online.

This is getting more and more common - and if you don’t have the App on your phone and tablet it’s no different to logging into SMS or Sharepoint, you would just click on the Mail option instead.

More and more companies are doing this as desktop use of programs are getting rarer.

It mentions Office 365 mobile, so I’m hopeful it’ll at least still work on Outlook mobile? It’ll still be a real kick in the teeth if it doesn’t work on the Outlook desktop app.

Also, going from 50GB to 2GB is going to shock some people. Especially those in WSO/RSO positions with significant amounts of email traffic containing attachments. Out of interest, where does the data stored within role accounts get allocated? If I’m adj, does the data in adj.123@ go towards my 2GB? We need to seriously start enforcing the no photos in email signature policy either way, as that is what takes up most of the space!

I think it is different. Those are things I go and actively check. With email, I want to be passively notified. Right now, I’m at work on my laptop, which has the outlook desktop app. On there I have 6 emails ranging from RAFAC, personal, and another volunteering role. I want a notification when I get an email. I don’t want to have to go checking.


I’ve not read the document yet; do those numbers relate to OneDrive or SharePoint?

EDIT: ignore me, seen above.

Just store on SharePoint instead. I don’t know why people still use OneDrive tbh