Bader Personal Accounts - They're Here!

I think you’d need to get someone with SMS access to do it for you! If you’ve got access I can send some screenshots of where it is?

It will need to be actioned by WHQ on SMS

So this is an email to my Wing civvie staff?

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Yes, that’s what we had to do when our SI got promoted.

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So how did you do this manually? Is it as simple as an email to someone? :slight_smile:

Email the help desk :grin:

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Thank you. Turns out it was a non-starter as staff cadets accessing role accounts has been blocked in my Wing for some unknown and obtuse reason. Alas, the fight for fairness continues!

:man_facepalming: Silly local rules. Best person for the job should do the job!


Emailed them recently to get a Staff Cadet account upgraded. Got told

‘Unfortunately the current policy is Microsoft licences are not being issued to Staff Cadets due the extra cost we have to pay for every licence. This is under review so may change in the future if extra budget can be found, but for the moment you won’t be able to have a RAFAC email address or access SharePoint, sorry.’

Was it for a specific role? It’s not a case of all staff cadets having one, but those in roles should be able too. And I’ve certainly seen it! For example our Wing Cyber Officer is a staff cadet, so their has been given full licence so they can use it for email.

At least they gave you a reason and is reasonably logical ;(how many staff cadets become CFAVs?)

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Yup for the Adjutant role

Perhaps more if we actually treated them like staff…?


Probably more important to ask “what percentage of our staff were staff cadets”.


That’s a better question although for accuracy round rention stats should be “staff cadets in the last five years”

The most relevant stat to this question is % of staff cadets leaving each year who stay as staff (I.e. no break in service)” because this will be the bit that effects the cost.

Pleased to hear there’s someone in your Wing that values Staff Cadets… we’re stuck in the old fashioned ways and they are treated like children all across my Wing. I seem to be entierly out on a limb treating them as staff :frowning: - apologies for the topic stray!

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Are we charged soley on number of licences in use?

Is it on a draw down basis against a pre purchased number?

Do we have a set number and anyting above is further chargable?

Is there an activation and deactivation fee?

These questions help determine the effect of cost.


Radical idea - why not remove licences from staff who don’t contribute and assign those licences to Staff Cadets who contribute more than staff do… I appreciate you then have the impossible task of measuring who contributes and who doesn’t, but writing this as the thought flies through my brain…


I don’t understand the argument that it is because of the “extra cost”

Sqn A has 5 staff - 5x licences
Sqn B has 15 Staff - 15x licences
Sqn C has 25 Staff - 25x licences

if Sqn A has two O18s who have valid reasons for a email account how is that an extra cost when there are bound to be 3, 4 maybe 5 CFAVs from Sqns B and C who are so inactive that having personal email account is a waste of time for them (ie extra costs for no benefit).

I can’t see why O18s can’t be issued them on a case by case basis.

this isn’t questioned when that O18 becomes a CI but leaves 18 months later as a waste of money - yet doing so for an active, enthused and useful O18* for 18 months who would be effective is deemed “wasteful”

*I recognise all O18 should be “useful”


Doesnt the generic email still exisit?

Ive lost track now.

So much change, drunk from a firehose.