Bader Personal Accounts - They're Here!

Biggest problem is supporting the non IT litterates…

Even those who think they are, arent enough for what we need.

It is completly time sapping.
Rekon i spend 20 min per parade night, fixing IT these days.

I dont remember spending 20 min a night sharpening pencils back in the day!

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But you may have spent twenty minutes building a fire to send smoke signals?


It was fine back then but the carrier pigeons only worked a 35 hour week


I hope people know it was a joke!

Anyone who wants to go back to pre IT is an idiot of the highest magnitude!

OK, that’s odd. The account has now disappeared again. Just tried the same steps above and it shows, then immediately disappears. This is back to being stupid.

Actually, it’s weirder than that. It adds it, then shows my OC account as the name but changes all the content to the generic account. I then remove the account and add them back, and same thing occurs.

Switch it off and on again?

Its MS punishing you for being a Mac user :rofl:


It must be

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Works fine for me on Mac, iPhone and iPad.

It clearly just hates me.

It seems to be something about the name of the accounts which is why it wouldn’t let me add the generic account and told me it was already added.

I’ve recently been assigned the Squadron Adjutant account as a staff cadet however not recieved an email with my personal account details.

I was under the impression that role account emails now need to be accessed through personal accounts and that staff cadets once assigned a role account would get a personal account? Is this not the case?

This is correct

Can you access emails with your cadet portal login credentials?

If not PM me and I’ll have a chat to the team.

Jus tried that there, get a no mailbox for this account error

This is something that is supposed to work, but doesn’t, and that Bader team are not going to even try and fix ATM.

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AFAIK and happy to be corrected if wrong, but staff cadets can no longer access Bader emails even if they have an exec role on a Sqn as they don’t have a personal account.

They can still use SMS via the generic account if their OC sets them up.

If setup correctly they can. We’ve got a staff cadet in our wing who uses his cadet portal login as his email login and has two role accounts allocated to him.

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I need to look up how that works, thought it had gone with the removal of licenses for the role/generic accounts. Keen to try!

AFAIK if any staff cadet goes into a role that normally would have an email allocated to it, then they will have their CIN@rafac etc email upgraded to the same as our personal ones!

The problem is that this was meant to be automatic, but that isn’t working, so has to be done manually.

I may be wrong on that, and happy to be corrected.


I’m sure it’s been mentioned before, but I can’t find anything…

How do you effect a rank change for yourself? Having been picked up nearly two years ago… I don’t particularly want to be a Class one AS(s) any more.