Bader Personal Accounts - They're Here!

I now cant find my previous email distribution lists that I had saved on my role account - any idea how I find them/retrieve them/add them without having to do a restart?

If you login in browser and do the ‘open another mailbox’ to open the role account, can you see them in there if you click the ‘To’ field in a new email? If so there should be a way to export the lists, I think…

thats brilliant thanks!

If you have the ability to setup in desktop Outlook it’s even easier. Just drag and drop.
The same goes for to-do items, calendar entries, and of course emails and folders.

There’s much to be said for Outlook.

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So last week when this happened I managed to add my personal, OC and Sqn account to my outlook for Mac. Today the sqn account is asking for a password, which I know is right because I logged in online to check it. No password reset required, and it let me in.

If I remove then re-add the account in outlook, it doesn’t accept the password and says “account already exists”.
It is also having problems syncing the OC account.

If I add a shared folder in my personal account to add the sqn account, it loads but doesn’t show anything and doesn’t give the full folder list that already exists. I’ve changed the permissions already and made sure I have access to it.

Any ideas?

Sqn shared folders currently do not work for anyone who is also assigned a role.

But they did last week…

The thing that changed last week was that our role accounts had their E1 licences revoked so now those role mailboxes can onoy be accessed via the personal account.

I’m informed sqn multiuser accounts still had their licences but ive not tested this, no longer being on a sqn myself.

You possibly had directly logged into the sqn account rather than had added it as a shared folder.

Tested & confirmed :+1:

But I can log in to the general account online, that’s fine. If I add the account to Outlook it breaks and tells me the account already exists when I enter the password.

And it worked after the E1 licences were removed last week, that’s when I first added it. Now it doesn’t. :confused:

So I am now noticing another issue. With the Outlook desktop app, it appears that using the search bar won’t search in shared mailboxes if they are unlicensed. If I search for something, even using ‘All outlook items’ it won’t now pick up emails in my shared folders. This is rather infuriating actually as it’s the way I find all my emails :grimacing: :grimacing: The past couple of weeks I thought it was just me being silly, but this is what I’ve worked it out to be!

Has the licence for generic accounts been removed again? Could get on ours earlier today but can’t now.

Saw an announcement that the licenses for personal accounts are exceeding planned amounts which is knocking out the generic accounts.

In shorts the organisation needs to close down long gone volunteers so the licenses can be reallocated.

Knock on effect from ‘other’ admin flow problems… still got 4 staff listed on my Sqns SMS who are all long gong (I’m talking in excess of a year)… not been discharged yet… still waiting for HQAC to action… I keep badgering but falls on deaf easr :cry:

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AKA really poor task management at hqac.

Onboarding and offboarding of volunteers isnthe number 1 priority.

After safeguarding of course.


Believe they may have sorted access to the generic account via your Personal account issue. I can access my Squadrons generic email account via my Personal account.

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So in a browser I can now add the generic account to my personal account. In Outlook desktop I still get a message saying “account already exists”.

So now I have my phone, a laptop browser and outlook on my laptop all running and all hopefully letting me know when I have messages. This isn’t easy.

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I would start a new profile / remove the mailboxes, as I know you’ve been fiddling with this for a while.

Edit to add

Just successfully added to Outlook, assuming the only email configured in outlook is Work + RAFAC Personal then do the following.

File > Account Settings > Account Settings
Highlight RAFAC Personal > Change > More Settings
Advanced Tab
In the Mailboxes section select “Add” enter the address of all the mailboxes you should have access too.
OK to confirm
Close the remaining windows.

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That got it!

I’m on a Mac, but basically Preferences>Accounts>Click on personal account (or account you have shared the generic mailbox with)>Delegation and Sharing>Shared with me>Add (search for account).


I always knew you were odd! :slight_smile:

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