Bader Personal Accounts - They're Here!

If you did that then when the role to a new person, all the emails related to that role would be lost.
IE, if OC or Adj, you might loose all comms about an EUF, or relationships that have been built up between the previous holder and other organisations.

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The email address wouldn’t change.

Oc.1234@xyz would still exist but rather than being a separate mailbox just goes to the person holding that role. When the person holding that role changes it gets updated to the new person.

Only if there wasn’t a handover between the outgoing and incoming.
The way I work now is I only use my personal account, the role accounts are empty.

so as part of handover you’d have to forward to the role email again just to “hand over” any emails that might be pertinent to the new holder . . . yeah, and how many people will do that?


Well no, you share the folder of emails with the new post holder. They can sort them as they see fit. Pretty simple to do in Outlook (desktop or web)

I accept this is only one way of working and doesn’t suit everyone. Just my opinion and preferred way.

Or just use the role mailbox, which the new post holder then has access to?


Not until it’s been handed over, there is no period when both people will have access.

Like I say there are multiple ways to skin a cat, this is just how I would do it.

Frequently there isn’t a hand over & things in volunteer world require that old audit trail. Often things are missed & forgotten even on a willing hand over. Volunteers just want to drop & go.

You shouldn’t do as you are storing information given to you in you role post that should be kept separate from your personal account.

Your personal account is just that - your courses service, mileage etc

If you miss any sensitive information that you should have handed over with your role account then that would put you in an information breach.

Best practice, role account is for your operational post info, personal account is for your HR.

I rarely use my personal account as there is so little that pertains to it.

Although I have noticed recently that when I reply using a role account, even when I have absolutely chosen the correct dropdown, that sent message seems to appear in my personal account sent box…?


That’s a setting on the Office365 (Exchange) side.
By default they go into the sending account Sent Items not the sending mailbox.

It is possible to change it.
Edit - It’s possible for the Helpdesk to change it

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Indeed, and people will empty mailboxes out of spite when they leave too. I agree shared mailboxes have a place, this is just my preference.

You assume I store anything in my mailbox other than items I am working on at that moment in time.
Anything I need to archive is stored appropriately on SharePoint where only the required people have access.

The less that’s in my mailbox the better.

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Yes I did, sorry.

I think I’m still in pre Sharepoint days of archiving in folders in the mailbox although it is certainly useful for continuity.

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:slight_smile: I think it depends on how you work.
I’ve never been one for keeping emails for long.

SharePoint has naturally been a storage place for me to use. Probably comes from being used to only having a small mailbox and not being able to keep too many emails.

This is the massive key here. I clearly work very different to you, and that’s fine! We should all do what works best for us.

I personally don’t use folders often, and rarely delete emails. What I am very good at is using search to find what I want. Thankfully the person before my role also never deleted anything, and kept it all in the inbox so I can go a fish out emails from when they were in the role.

The other week they asked if I could find an obscure email, and after a few searches, managed to find it!

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I must be doing it wrong - my inbox is my to do list, and when things are done they are archived. No idea if that is the right way to do it. I have a few handy folders for things I need to refer to often. I archive pretty much everything that isn’t deleted as duplicate or spam.

I don’t like using onedrive or sharepoint (for anything other than looking stuff up/the various portals… but I would never upload anything to sharepoint) and only use certain Teams channels as I have to due to that being how others work.


Happy to see the Multi-User account access has now been solved - Staff Cadets are back online! :slight_smile:

Ohhh? whats the solution?

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No idea - just tried logging into it through the web and it let me in (as usual). For those with role accounts that wish to monitor it, you can upgrade the permissions to allow access to it if required.

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Praise be to effective ways of working…

But im very jealous, as i dont have anywhere near the amount of available time you must have tl achieve that… for a hobby!


lol, I probably made it sound bigger than it is.

I just started saving everything SharePoint when I took on the role.
The amount of time it’s saved me having to recall details made it worth spending the time to setup the structure.

But like anything it’s quick and easy when you know how.