Bader Personal Accounts - They're Here!

But the system was broken… We had people using 4 different email addresses getting annoyed. We had people transfering roles and loosing all personal, but RAFAC related email. Also we needed to get personal emails for Volunteer Portal. If we want to move away from parper forms for literally everything, this is the way forward.

Get that, but now can’t get any role or unit accounts on personal account and can’t log onto role account individually so point is test it before mass launch. Plus need to be able to transfer folders

Have you tried the guides? As it’s working fine here. It’s also not like this is a surprise. Direct access to role accounts should have been turned off ages ago, and there has been plenty of emails/announcements explainging what to do. So plenty of time for those who can’t get it to work to ask questions. This hasn’t exactly come about overnight.

Again, there’s been plenty of time.


No need to ask questions as it was briefed that all that had to be done was sign on and no special or magical skills needed. Hqac even admit that cant get to sqn accounts, maybe uts a local issue find out if anyone or no-one has the same issue.

If you have a role you can’t access the sqn multi user account.

I stopped looking at that account as soon as I got a role account about 8 years ago.


Something that is super easy if you have the outlook client.

I don’t have the outlook client so maybe that is the issue thank you

Still trying to understand why you want to move folders?

Then I can try and work a solution for you

Just sorted it out, many thanks for for the offer of support. Went back to my avionic days and did a complete reset (with assistance from Google) and now appears to be working so now the new car looks far better than the old one. Had same issue with authenticator had to re-add the account and now works. Sorry for bit of rant just a bit frustrated as SMS/Ultilearn still causing me hassle so was getting frustrated


Feel free to share via DM, happy to help

To play Devil’s Advocate here…

We were all told months ago that we should be logging into our personal accounts and that direct login access to the role accounts would be lost.
It’s been a topic of discussion fairly regularly on here too.
If people haven’t been doing that then they really have no place to complain now that it’s suddenly not logging them in any more and that we “should have been told”.



We are all very quick to complain when we have been let down by comms from the CoC but when we have been informed in plenty of time it appears there are still a number of individuals who dont like it.

I dont often stick up for those in the ivory tower but in this instance we have all had plenty of time to change and to ask relevant questions to ensure a smooth transition.


Yes! What you’ve said is a much better worded version of what I’ve been trying to say. This is no surprise that has come out of the blue!

It isn’t new and it isn’t a problem to log in using a personal account or adding a shared mailbox, except when that doesn’t actually work. That too will have been known about for months and now some users cannot see their generic inbox.

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It was not the single log in that was my issue, it was on the day of action it never worked and nor did a few others, however now fixed (with help from Google and some on here). Hopefully just a gliche as the reset seems to have worked and can now access all accounts including folders from one place (with exception to the sqn account which with a bit of joy will be fixed soon).

It’s been known about since day one…

This is my issue with the situation - that THIS isn’t fixed and that account is near completely inaccessible bar a workaround with my phone.

In theory the Sqn generic account is no longer required.
Should be replaced with a Sqn distribution list with all the personal accounts.

To be honest I also think the same should happen with Role mailboxes, should just forward to the assigned persons personal account.

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In theory…
But for those (admittedly, few, I’m guessing) who don’t have a role account, the generic inbox was usually the only way we got comms down from Wing or Region.

I’m now relying on the OC forwarding things over because the Wing distribution list doesn’t know me.

That’s what I mean though,

instead of having a 1234 Sqn mailbox there is a 1234 group that sends to all staff personal accounts on that unit. Regardless of if they have a role or not.

Thing is it’s the external people where its most important to have an email that doesn’t change with the person.

Insurance companies, local community contact parents etc can all easily contact a Sqn OC or Adj regardless of who the person is and regardless if there has been any changes.

Just having personal accounts would probably mean you end up with personal email addresses being used or a lot more being missed.