Bader Personal Accounts - They're Here!

might have been the reason I went looking :laughing:

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On the personal account will it always require a text code for access?

Sorry if I’ve missed something as I do remember this being mentioned before but couldn’t find it on the search!

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Multi Factor Authentication is a requirement, as the account will be used for claims etc.

You can install the Authenticator App that you can approve logins on rather than entering a code.

Indeed, I did question previously whether there was the possibility to have it on for access to Volunteer Portal (to satisfy HMRC wrt claims) but set to ‘remember this device for 30 days’ (or whatever) for OWA/Sharepoint/&c.

The answer I got was simply “It is required by HMRC”, which rather missed the whole point of the question.

Clicking “stay signed in” for the MS365 applications does help now that we are only accessing them using one account. Previously that never seemed to work well because I had several MS accounts logging in at different times.
It may also be helped by the fact that I rarely shutdown my PC; Choosing instead to hibernate overnight so that it’s all still there where I left off the next day.
Whatever the successful combination is, I don’t get prodded for the 2FA now unless I’m logging into something for the first time; or I’ve had a big update / cache clear / &c.

Anyone got any idea why when logged in to my personal account I can’t access the main HQAC sharepoint page?

Works for me - what happens when you try (and what are you clicking on to try)?

So I still can’t access our generic account via my personal account, either by adding it under folders or via Open another mailbox. In either case I just get access denied. I reported it to my bader PoC 2-3 weeks ago but nothings changed, any ideas? :slightly_frowning_face:

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Ping another email to your POC/BISO. They likely reported it up but haven’t chased it.

Cool, have done just after posting this… hopefully something will happen

I managed to add the squadron’s generic account to the Gmail app on my phone, while my personal account is on the outlook app.

Couldn’t get both to work on either, so this is the halfway house bodge.

If I get a role account I’m screwed!

Sorry everyone to resurrect an old thread.

Just taken on a role on squadron, no issue there, but I’m getting emails from a Teams group the previous incumbent was a member, which I want to remove.

Q - system says I must log on to Teams using role account, which we can’t, how can I remove myself from the Teams group?

Thanks in advance :+1:

Don’t know the answer, but you could set up a rule in the role account to delete emails from teams in the meantime?

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Either get someone else in the group to delete you (if you know who they might be) or send the helpdesk/your Bader PoC an email

Again, bringing up an old one but can there be some form of ‘top down’ communication regarding the proper use of PA / Role accounts?

There seems to be (in my area at least) mass confusion among Wing staff that “Personal Accounts have replaced everything” and are sending all and sundry to my PA! We’ve even been told not to contact people by Wing role accounts… it’s like seriously! :sob:

It’s really simple… email Sqn/Wing/Region/whatever stuff to my role account… email personal/secondary duty stuff to my personal account. I don’t want to take half the Squadron stuff with me if I move on because the NEXT person in my role will need that!

Sometimes I despair.


When can staff cadets, who fit the aformentioned criteria, expect to be given their personal accounts?

I’ve flagged this with the team so you might see something in the future on this.

For my AOR I’ve shared the following in the past and the same rings true for selecting the TO of an email as well as the From.

Your personal account will stay with you for your entire RAFAC service, while you may change role’s and subsequently no longer have access to the role mailbox. In my personal example if I am emailing in relation to my Bader Officer role I will continue to send as while if sending an email that is directly linked to being OC 1234 I would use in the event that I was organising a weapons training day, I would be doing so as Flt Lt Joe Bloggs and therefore use on all communication in relation to this. Ultimately I apply the following test for every email I send, is this from me or from my role.

I did share this with all Bader Officers in my region so that they could share in their AOR, no idea if they did.

It’s still a wait out on this until the project is completed, best thing to do is to contact your Bader Officer.

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Ideal, thank you! Would certainly help… I continue to try and politely correct where possible but for some unknown and strange reason, ‘bottom up’ comms isn’t always that effective.

Saw this get put about in my area so it worked for at least two of us…

I have been told that the 100 personal e-mail is for everything. The role account is only for when you do not know who is in the role.

The process should be (what i have been told).

e-mail oc 1234 sqn on role account.
OC 1234 sqn reads e-mail and replies with personal 100 account.
All other correspondence should be through personal 100 accounts.

That’s nonsensical. The role account should be for anything relating to that role so that when you move on the new incumbent can access it all. Especially important if the current incumbent leaves suddenly.


What kind of moron came up with that idea?!