Bader Personal Accounts - They're Here!

I was just typing something similar. I can think of one example of someone on here who is a RSO but also on a squadron too. Their name just has RAFAC-Rgn, no mention of the wing or squadron they are also a part of. But in theory they will have access to their squadrons generic account!

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you just need a 1:many relationship, with 1 primary relationship :nerd_face: (I don’t know if Exchange can do this though)

That gave me flashbacks. Data modelling is actually the worst.

Microsoft access circa 2006 that lingo

I thankfully only ever had to do it during collage, and not out in the real world. Was never really any good with databases…

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I think what it gave me was more fantasy than flashback…

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@themajor seems to think that the Bader Dev’s are aware of this issue.

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An all.1234 type of list would be handy too.

I’ve had cause to need a snappy response to a requirement which has lead me to email all the accounts on a sqn for several squadrons at once.

It’s a massive PITA to enter them all.


yes, I was going to suggest this too! (but in your case would you want it to include chair.1234 too?)

it’s older than Access 2006 - it’s proper Codd normalisation :nerd_face:

you probably don’t want to see some of the SQL queries I’ve written… I genuinely think SQL might be my favourite programming language :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah I’m young in the grand scheme of things :grin:

No, true enough… I wouldn’t.

I suppose we could have all-cfav.1234 or we could just decide that all.1234 and allcwc.1234 are separate.

But also, if all.1234 included civcom too, it would still be easier for me to type all.1234, then click “expand group” and delete the civcom accounts, than it is to type all the individual CFAVs. So that could be made to work.

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I suppose in an ideal world, all CFAV will have the generic account access to their personal accounts. That way if you email the generic it gets seen by all. I appreciate this currently is not the situation at all, but that’s how I think it should be after everyone is migrated and learns how to add role/generic accounts to their personal.

What I could suggest in the interim is maybe set up custom email groups yourself if that’s at all possible? It’ll take some time to set up initially but might save you lots of time in the long run?

If you want all 1234 staff, click on the “To” and search for 1234 you can add them all super easily.

Distribution groups are getting updates as I recall

What’s the TP?

Typo of To, edited above to correct

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Plans are afoot for distribution lists after the migration has completed - we are getting there and the end is in sight, but still more work to do.


To be honest, it’s all a great leap forward for the organisation.

I’ve seen such great development and change in the last few years to actually make our lives easier in the organisation.

Cadet Portal, Emails, MS Teams.

Alot of praise has to be given to the Bader team. Its not all perfect, but it’s for the “the greater good”

It’s just us old crustys who need to move with the times.


Anyone tried getting on to Microsoft Stream with their Personal Account?
I got a Error 400 - Invalid Header

Works okay for me!

Also, talking of Stream, @ccw34 this is the video I was talking about.