Bader Personal Accounts - They're Here!

So interestingly on my desktop it seems to have worked. (ish)

The previous photo was from my work laptop. (read my laptop that I do work on, not a laptop from work so no funny permissions issues or anything)

I’m wondering if the issue was related to the fact that on my work laptop the RAFAC email wasn’t set as the default, as on my desktop this is the only email that is on the outlook app. So on my desktop the add button has worked. Although only the generic account inbox is showing up, none of the other folders are. Time to see if manually adding perms from within the generic account makes the other ones show up!

Also as for the version, it’s what ever came with the office 365 package.

It likely shouldn’t be related to default accounts. I’ve got three other email accounts in Outlook and one of those is the default for me. Although, the RAFAC email is the only exchange account; the others all being IMAP.

If there’s a lot of mail in the generic account it may just be delayed showing the folders. When I added my role account it took a few minutes to finish faffing about syncing before everything displayed correctly.

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Any news on Staff Cadets personal accounts? Our senior cadet is our adj, and is still without his account.

Have you raised it with your Bader Officer? If not, that is your first port of call.

I’ve just sent the following out in my Wing based on queries I have had and figured it could be useful here too;

At all times where personal accounts are referred to below this is your personal RAFAC account such as

Access to Microsoft Services – Mail / SharePoint / Teams / OneDrive

Access to all Microsoft services is now via your personal account, and you will be unable to login to these services using role credentials as the license has now been removed from these accounts. Details on how to access your role mailbox is available here - How To Add A Multi-User or Role Based Mailbox To Your Bader Personal Email Account

Known Issue – Squadron Multi User Accounts: The HQ Bader team are investigating an issue with access to the Squadron Multi User Accounts not being available to those holding other roles

Known Issue – SharePoint Permissions: The HQ Bader team will resolve outstanding permission issues where access was previously granted to a group in the next 2 weeks as the national project completes

Known Issue – Access to Teams: The HQ Bader team are investigating an issue with access to Teams for some personal accounts - if this affects you please contact your Bader POC

Known Issue – Distribution Groups currently contain Role Accounts only, this will be resolved at the end of the national project by the HQ Bader team

Access to Teams Meetings

If your role account has been invited to a Teams Meeting, these calendar invites will not display in Teams on your Personal Account, the best solution to resolve this is to forward the calendar invite to your personal account so that it will then display within your Teams Calendar.

Access to SMS

Access to SMS remains with your Role Account, if you are not a role holder you will use the credentials for the Squadron Multi User Account along side a personal SMS login that is created by your OC. In the event of not being able to access SMS, this will likely be due to the role credentials having expired. To update the role credentials, you need to load visit in an InPrivate/InCognito Browser session and login with the role credentials and complete a password reset.

Email - Personal Account v Role Account

Your personal account will stay with you for your entire RAFAC service, while you may change role’s and subsequently no longer have access to the role mailbox. In my personal example if I am emailing in relation to my Bader Officer role I will continue to send as while if sending an email that is directly linked to being OC 1234 I would use in the event that I was organising a weapons training day, I would be doing so as Wg Cdr Joe Bloggs and therefore use on all communication in relation to this. Ultimately I apply the following test for every email I send, is this from me or from my role.


Publicly sharing my email :open_mouth:

Solid email and will certainly help some people! :slight_smile:


Good email.
Can you bang it out to other PoCs as a reccomended email for them to send also. :+1:


Just seen this, yes raised on many accounts and they have sent query on. Nothing heard.

OK - you need to escalate with your Bader Officer and ask them to raise with the Bader Team direct.


@james_elliott Is this a localised issue? I was under the impression no staff cadets had access to a personal account yet?

Thanks :grin:

@james_elliott not sure if this is your area, however, is it going to be possible to get the added to the trusted domain list in the Defence Gateway? I always thought it just needed to end in however just tried to see if our personal accounts would work and they don’t. Seems a bit odd as I’ve managed to get an account on there before previously using an aircadet email.

Edit to that bit, just checked and I previously registered with my personal, non-cadet email and it let me in using my service number with ACO at the beginning.

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What is the purpose of the 100? Why not just

To differentiate you between others with the same name.

I know a few 101s, so there’s definitely some clashes within the corps.



is there a plan to make all.<wing> emails go to personal accounts rather than role ones? (Although keeping all.<role> going to the role addresses).

This would go someway to reducing the number of emails people who have multiple role-based accounts need to delete, while keeping purely role-based stuff in one place. (Or maybe this has been asked before and I’ve missed / forgotten it)

How does this work with people moving around though? I think the solution is for the all.wing emails to only go to the squadron generic account (which all staff at the squadron can see) and also all primary WSO role accounts?

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The email server knows where I am though:

Smith, Bob Flt Lt (RAFAC-<Rgn>-<Wg>-<Sqn>)

so it should be possible just to make them all people in the appropriate of the organisation for the all.<*> (wing / region / whatever)

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the only potential issue would be where people are at a sqn in 1 wing and supernumary in a 2nd Wing as a Wing SME (I’ve seen this happen)… - they then wouldn’t automatically get the 2nd wing’s all. emails unless there was some magic behind the scenes