Bader Personal Accounts - They're Here!

Not just faster (hopefully) but also being able to get a view of what stage the application is at, rather than just sending paper into the void and hoping for an answer 6 months later!

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Latest one took almost 9 months for a transfer

:astonished: Was that within the same wing?! Even if it was from a different region these things shouldn’t take that long :frowning:

Same Wing :man_shrugging: It wasn’t even that the paperwork got lost. I think it just ended up on a low priority pile at HQAC during the COVID working from home phase.

Fortunately personal accounts and electronic workflows should really speed this up and improve visibility. We might even see some SLAs. Perhaps intra-Wing transfer 7 calendar days, inter-Wing 10 calendar days?

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I notice a lot of Wing HQs seem to have these…
At last count I have waiting for paperwork processing…

1 transfer out
1 transfer in
4 CI appointments
1 discharge
Numerous other minor pers updates…

Why the delay?

I’m really not convinced that the org is getting 37 hours per week out of each of its home working E1s, E2s and Wexos.

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This’ll be the best bit. You’ll be able to see who’s inbox it’s stuck in and chase them.


If I want to contact WestlandScount about they’re course booking for a SATT course I’ll email westland.scout100

If I want to contact OC 1234 I’ll email oc.1234

For the email the question is, do I want YOU or whoever is doing Role X.


That’s how I’d see it working too, thank you

In the name of all that is holy does it matter what the role is, it’s the person you are contacting. If I want John/Janet I want John/Janet and can within the email explain the remit. It’s how I imagine we operate in our paid jobs and regardless of what it is it, it comes to one account you deal with it. I get emails relating to any number of things which get prioritised and dealt with. I don’t get confused. If we’re doing this day in day out in our real jobs, why does it seemingly become such a problem in a hobby?

Role and personal accounts will get confused … will people be bothered to switch? The solution is simple … forwarding … for each of your roles to come into your personal account. We used to have this functionality which for some reason, unexplained, was removed.

Have you been in the organisations long?

A phrase suggesting we’re moving to (without a date) doesn’t fill you with optimism of a swift resolution. We were moving to towards having gliding for 4/5 years and then the truth came out and amply displayed we’d been lied to.

In this instance just do it. Again out here in the real world we have working practice changes imposed and we get out heads around it.

It does when it’s coming from the Bader/VSDT. Since forming the VSDT, they have proven time and time again that what they are doing is going to happen when they say it will happen.

This is why when there is no set date for when somethings going to happen, they tell us that, rather than making up a random date and hope that it’s done by then.

Probably not as long as you from what I gather, but maybe that just means I have a little more hope that’s not been drained away yet :slight_smile:


Because how do you plan on emailing John or Jane as oc.1234 if you don’t know their name or exact email address?

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It wasn’t unexplained, you just didn’t bother to read it. It was a licencing issue (and data protection as well I think).


I have multiple emails at work which people use depending on which role they need.

My personal account for most messages which will stay with me and I file anything important in a shared team folder.

The departmental Mental Health First Aider account which is shared with the other MHFA in the department. That way anyone needing help just needs to email a generic account rather than finding out who the MHFAs are.

The team social secretary account for arranging Christmas parties, summer picnics etc. Again that is a generic account so when people in other teams move on we don’t need to bother with updating contact lists across multiple offices.

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Agree with @pEp above; when emailing OC’s in the wing, especially during a time of change or transition, how on Earth are you meant to know who to send to? Unless of course the personal accounts of those allocated oc/adj etc are somehow tethered to that send list… not sure if that could update automatically.

Also at work I have one inbox but about 8 email address’s for different departments and roles… I just choose which alias I want to send from, with our system auto suggesting the one it thinks based on where they sent an email to, subject matter. It’s 90% accurate but it does sometimes get it wrong, and if you don’t catch it it can sometimes cause confusion (safe sender lists etc).

This is just doing it a slightly different way, but certainly not unusual.

I really hope people will email role accounts for role stuff and personal accounts for personal stuff.

My OCD wont like it otherwise.

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If only I knew who you were :smiley:

Oh, you poor naive fool.

It will be a mess, like it is dealing with regulars. In fact, to be sure they keep in contact properly I’ve tended to find they cc their civilian emails as well!

Every time I email my local Army bods requesting ToPL approval I email the person I contacted last time. Ineviatably half the time I get a reply of “Oh sorry, I’ve moved on from that post. Email this person now.”

And having roll based inboxes is a bad idea?



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