Bader Personal Accounts - They're Here!

You describe what we are moving too, so happy days! :slight_smile:


One thing I’m not greatly happy about is the 2gb mailbox limit for personal accounts.

Once the role accounts are converted into shared mailboxes, what will the mailbox limit be for those mailboxes? I am thinking it may be a good idea as personal good practice to stay tidy by keeping things in my role account mailbox long term (or the squadron generic account)

That’s a joke right…
Happens frequently… just google “IT Transformation Manager”


This is very pertinent.

Will this change when we move from an F3 licence to an E1 license? On my phone now so CBA to check.

Sorry what now?

Shared as in with our personal account?

I’m assuming no one else (other than for safeguarding etc) has access to an OCs or other role inbox.

I mean that as a strictly technical term.

Nothing that has been said has suggested that they will be able to be accessed by anyone else, probably why that term hasn’t been used by the Bader team



2GB should be more than sufficient… IF everyone follows proper sensible policy - like not including massive attachments where they can use links to SharePoint/OneDrive instead; not including images in their email signature block; &c.
None of us should be getting anywhere near to that limit because we shouldn’t be using the email inbox as a long-term storage option. If something needs archiving for long term retention - stick in OneDrive or on SharePoint (and if everyone would correctly format their blasted subject lines this would be even easier! :wink: )

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This is a pet hate of mine.
That and some of the absolute travestys which are peoples signature blocks.


If only there was a well-documented and easy to follow military standard for these things… :wink:


My old work account had a 2GB limit and got nowhere near that with files attachments after 23 years, yes there was some management in deleting things, but even then, room never became a problem.
So something we use a couple of hours a week should last a lifetime. We shouldn’t get more than a dozen emails a week most of which can be deleted.

I’ve checked and I’m pretty sure this will go up to 1TB 50GB with 1TB OneDrive. Currently we’re temporarily on an F3 licence. This will change to an E1 license. Comparison chart

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Yeah I spotted the f3 - why would be assigned an f3 just to give us an E1 though? Wasn’t f3 the plan all along, with the E1 just provided under the temporary uplift?

According to this it says:

Note - during the migration this will be an F3 licence, which has less functionality, but once the move is complete all users will be back onto an E1 licence. This means you will not be able to use Outlook Desktop client.

Thank you for that! I will officially stop panicking about everyone’s email signatures filling my mailbox up!

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I’m still trying to square away in my head how I’ll use the personal account.

I guess maybe for signing up for courses and other things that are specific to me, rather than a role. Or sending info like proof of qualifications.

It certainly makes it easier to only have to use .rafac addresses for CIs who are helping to run things.

A definite step in the right direction anyway.

It means that eventually all your money related stuff can be done electronically. For CIs this will mean HTD and 1771 can be one online rather than many many forms and waiting.

(plus loads more!)


That makes sense, I was thinking more of the protocols around email - as in what goes to the role account and what goes to personal.

Would it be best, for example, to use my WestlandScout100@rafac on my signature for everything and forward items to the role accounts that need to be in there? Or cc the relevant one (I have more than one)

I’m probably over thinking it but having taken over a few role accounts over the years with each previous ‘owner’ having wildly different approaches to how they manage mail, trying to think of ways to make life easier for others.

I’m looking forward to much faster admin processes like staff transfers, supernumerary staff, discharges etc. These take months at the moment and there is no visibility of progress.


Discharges are a particular bugbear of mine too!

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