All activities 18-20 of Feb suspended

Indeed, but they will have expired by 1500 today. It is no reason to blanket ban the whole country for three days.


Oh I don’t disagree at all.

I’d understand some caution for activities in the south of the UK, completely agree an org wide stop is just ridiculous

I dont think anyone on here disagrees with caution and possibly close down in SW, laser and WW for Friday only.

But the phrase sledge hammer and nut comes to mind.

Demonstrates a clear lack of planning capacity at HQAC.
Also shows a total lack of trust in local level decision making.

If I’m not trusted to make the right weather related decision. How can theh possibly trust me to keep 50 cadets safe at any other time?

Its just yet another kick in gender specific nut sack area to skilled volunteers.


I like how one of the comments on a post about our ambassador’s rescue is “per ardua”.


I don’t think anyone would disagree with the organisation mandating no activity outdoors/parade nights during a red warning. Evening during the Amber warning would be acceptable for no outdoors or events requiring you to travel to them.

The thing that has gripped everyone is the lack of thought, care and consideration in invoking an organisation and country wide ban spanning longer than the met Office deem necessary, and applying it so stupidly overseas squadrons also have to comply. Oh and changing the wording depending on where you look.

As others have said where do we stop? If it’s snowing in Scotland should we get kids in Kent to review their climatic injuries training? If there’s some flooding in Wales should Northern Ireland not move without a buoyancy aid or their swim test?

This makes us look completely stupid to other organisations, parents and cadets/staff. It is a total failure of leadership and management and further disenfranchises, disengages and demotivates volunteers.


Weird, this is the map it showed me this morning:

it does say “we are experiencing issues. These warnings may be out of date”

This upto date

Even with a refresh, it gave me the same. It appears if you look at just the warning in your area, it only shows the extent of that warning, and not the rest?

Seems a bit of an oversight!

According to some of the responses elsewhere, Scotland and the North of England did have weather warnings over the past couple of weeks and nothing was said.

Maybe someone just wanted a day off or had a meeting planned with someone they don’t like?


We’ve all been there. Got an 0600 start on a Sunday you don’t want to do? How about shutting down the organisation. That will fix it and ensure you get a lie in.

Mostly I just feign illness or injury, but hey if you’ve got the power why not flaunt it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Just planning a VPN for tonight to give the cadets something to do.

We are fire brigade policing today which is rare.

Having just driven from Falmouth to Newquay and thence Plymouth, I can assure you its rather wild in the West Country. Whilst parked in Newquay, my rather large SUV was being physically rocked about by the wind.

Power lines and trees down on a few roads I had planned to use, and much debris across the roads. Certainly in the proper SW I would support a stop to activities, indeed there are areas of Cornwall without power which would stop activities.

However fear not, I have embraced my inner Northerner and got my big coat out…


Don’t worry, that’s normal.


^ this!

They never got it!

For those of you in the SW and WW looks like the peak is just passing overhead.

I feel like we should be asking for casualty and damage reports.

Shame the ROC was stood down, with HQACs obvious panicking they could have done with their blast and damage indications!


It’s just starting to pick up here in the South East. Not seen any flying trampolines yet though… :sweat_smile:

Just spoke to s scout leader I know who works as court security. They’re going camping this weekend


Not trampolines… but it looks like Brize might have some building works for the next few months!