All activities 18-20 of Feb suspended

Been out to walk the dog, bit blustery but has been a lot worse before.

A few places saying the low pressure didn’t dip as the models had predicted and it won’t be as bad or as far widespread.

Interesting to see someone has asked for a justification on the Valuing our Volunteers Team. I’ll be keeping an eye on when that is responded to!

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A response has been posted.
However doesn’t really address the issue.

An HQ-based Sqn Ldr has “loved” the question. Can’t see that going down well! :rofl:

Decision does set a precedence. Does weather in one location affect the whole organisation. :man_shrugging:t2:

Deep snow in Inverness, -20C in Thurso or +40C in Cyprus; will it have a ripple effect across all squadrons :roll_eyes:

Dynamic RAs undertaken at squadron level as well as ‘guidelines’ from Reg and Wing HSE Officers should be able to cope with this :confused:


I was in the red area last night. This morning the trees are barely moving.

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Just watching bbc breakfast…

None of this footage looks particularly 'red’s warning level.

A few mid large waves.


We have become a nation of weak risk averse saps.

To be fair, the warnings are largely for later (10ish).

Ok. Let’s reconvene then.
I’m.not exactly convinced we will be looking at a bbc red level of destruction.

They amped it up to the max yesterday.


Oh wait, wrong tape… whoops.

I’m just not liking the direction of travel.
Seems post pandemic we literally live in a cancel culture…
Sniff of anything. Lock it down.

No way to live. Nanny state.

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It’s also factually incorrect as units in the region concerned have cancelled virtual

After all the hype I opted to close the office and tell everyone to have a day off.

Looking out it would have been fine.

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There’s not even a red warning now

Indeed, I’ve got a telescopic radio mast at my unit.
The WExo was eyeing it up as scrap but if it survives this weekend then I’ll declare it weather hardended and never need to worry about it falling over!

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It’s been blown out of all sensible precautions.

Everyone went immediately to ‘last siege in Zion mode’

It’s insane.

Marginal breeze here now.

As a result of listening to Hqac and the bbc I’ve tasked Mrs P to launch the lifeboats and send up signal flares.
I’m only hoping we have enough time!


‘Fair ye well, I’m just stepping outside and I may be some time’…

‘Because it’s a lovely day for taking the dag for a walk.’

It’s telling that there’s been no comment from the Cmdt, who has instead only posted (again) about ex-RAF Emma.


Makes noise like a prinary school girl…

oooooooOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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On the precedent front it also runs the risk of going the other way. Now that HQ have stepped in and shut everything down there is the risk that people will now run activities where they should use local discretion to stand down, using the excuse “if it was that bad HQAC would have told us to stop.”


I’m enjoying reading the Heathrow METAR/TAF whilst I’m on holiday not near any of this madness.

METAR: EGLL 180850Z AUTO 23023KT 9999 -RA SCT021/// BKN039/// //////CB 11/05 Q0991 BECMG 23035G45KT

TAF: EGLL 180831Z 1808/1912 21020G35KT 9999 SCT030 BECMG 1808/1810 23030G50KT TEMPO 1808/1810 5000 RA TEMPO 1810/1814 24045G60KT