All activities 18-20 of Feb suspended

Marginal gains…?


Just had it confirmed that a local on-line AVIP course is cancelled!
What about the people that have taken time off work to attend and also the cadets about to be suspended for not having done their AVIP?

HQAC are now becoming an embarrassment!


It’s the overworked and underpaid CS staff who are going to take the brunt of everyone’s frustrations I feel sorry for.



Comments now disabled on Facebook :joy::joy:


I wonder if this is the watershed moment of the Commandants tenure…


What’s the shortest tenure of a Commandant?


I do have a feeling this is not the stepping stone up the MOD he thought it would be.

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When you spell it out it sounds like a weird chaos theory joke.

If a butterfly flaps its wings in Mexico, does it cancel a formal dinner in Ipswich?


Not sure it will affect his tenure, but may thwart his idea of another job.
You’d like to think someone at 22Gp will asking wtf are you thinking.

The idea of online courses being cancelled is hilarious, how did people cope during the first lockdown and beyond.

Could someone just message the Commandant to make sure he’s ok?

He’s clearly going through some kind of crisis.


If I was running an online course I would definitely be assuming that the “suspension” meant face to face only. Why cancel an activity done in the safety of your own home?

Our own guidance is to simply review the planned activities for safety.

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I note that since the comments were suspended on the Facebook post that the total number of comments have gone down. So are they now also deleting certain truths too?..

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I am dismayed that this is the route we’ve taken. Comdt seems absolutely intent on ruining good things and hard work unless it’s to do with RAF Emma at the moment….

The mandated stand down was frustrating to say the least. The reasons were sketchy at best. As many have said already, Squadrons are safe places for lots of cadets/staff so to pull the ‘burn out’/‘mental health’ card shows a serious lack of understanding about the people you ‘command’.

He’s out to get committees too. This one seems like a personal vendetta to a small minority of committees who’ve somehow offended our illustrious leader.

The final insult is that the ACF have recently issued guidance which empowers local commanders to assess and dynamically adjust activities this weekend instead of a blanket cancellation.

I understand that the powers that be routinely look at ACC, so hopefully someone passes on the sheer amount of frustration shown here. Lots aimed directly at Tony’s ‘leadership’.


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Well one thing I will say, having more woken up with a red weather warning covering the south east too, is stay safe out there people. This storm looks like it could be pretty bloody bad. At least today anyway, and for those in the South.

As to why you guys in the North can’t crack on who knows.

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For whatever reasion, the decision to communicate this information has not been published using the new “ciritcal announcements and unit stand downs” on VP and CP? I thought in the new digital age, this was the way how we were to move forward as an organisation


Just east of the Pennines, not a million miles from HQRAFAC all is serene so far this morning with a gentle breeze and dog walkers and joggers going about their daily business.

I did spot that an overseas squadron has scrapped their activities as per the edict despite being well away from the warming areas.

Absolutely not.

Since going to sleep at 11 and waking up this morning, my local warning has increased from Amber to red (10-3).

Given this I’d review our parade evening tonight based on the local impact at 3.

Except all local decision making has been removed :roll_eyes:


One thing I am surprised at if that there has been no request for units to secure their buildings & surrounds.

There should have a request along the lines of “where practical, unit commanders or a intimated should ensure that there is no loose debris around that can cause a flying hazard. Bins are secured & SOVs are moved away from potential falling hazards. - no inspections are to take place after midday Friday “

Yes gives a shut down but does give a purpose to the volunteers & engages them in the safety rather than “nanny says no”