All activities 18-20 of Feb suspended

The tweet I linked to was literally the map two days ago.

Where was your evidence? Writing words on here is not evidence so didn’t mean to ignore you

I replied to you with a link to a met office tweet. Scroll up.

Two days us a long time in weather world, I saw the map last night. Sorry fir break up on responses I missed all your reply my error

But that’s the point. The stop order was made on earlier, less serious information.

There in also lies the issue the communication as the message has been mixed between “All Activity” and “All Face to Face Activity” which has caused some wings/regions to cancel all virtual activities too.
Not entirely sure how the weather outside is going to affect you sitting at home.

Also ok, so lets say the entire UK had a weather warning (didn’t at time the stop was called)
Why should the weather in the UK stop the squadrons in Cyprus and Gibraltar cracking ok? I can’t see them being affected it…

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Let’s just all.agree.
It’s been a total omnishamble cluster munch.


If it was unsafe to travel then the Activity Commander (whose job it is to stop the activity if it is unsafe) would cancel the event. Parents/guardians would not let their children travel if it’s that unsafe. We don’t take responsibility until they arrive.

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So you rather they called stop at very last minute, imagine the admon on us to make that happen Ultimately we probably inbthe no win what ever way it happened domain. My opinion it was the right thing to do as the weather is changeable, plenty of you will disagree At end of day it is bosses decision and we have to roll with it.

Every FT or walking or other outdoor event that I have ever written or reviewed an RA for has contained a line along the theme of “check the weather report before commencing and review conditions for the duration”. So that’s how.

No one here has argued the severity of the situation in affected places, nor denied that things change (they also on occasion change for the better too so HQAC tucked up in bed over the weekend are also not able to turn around and say “Cthulu isn’t as angry as we feared, as you were”).

We get a lot of rain, and some local areas are worse for snow than much of the country (when it actually falls). In the past, we at squadron have made the local decision to close a parade night due to the conditions including considerations about travel because we know where our cadets and staff are travelling from. There have also been times we’ve said "we’re still open because only a few places are affected, but use your own judgement and in those situations we’ve had parents fulfil their responsibility and say “we’re worse than other places, we aren’t going to travel”. Same for calling off fieldcraft weekends that otherwise would have been a miserable washout.

What HQAC have done is disregard decades of experience, because that has been the way that things have successfully worked since time began.

They’ve said “we don’t trust you”.

They could have reinforced best practice with some sensible, nudging guidelines. They chose not to. This is why people are angry.

Where I am there were events planned that were shut down, and probably rightfully so due to location and other circumstances such as time of travel and being residential. I don’t deny that, but an event I was due at becoming dangerous to run due to external circumstances shouldn’t affect someone else’s.


No, I’d rather they do what they have done for the entire history of this organisation up until yesterday, and issue guidance and trust us to do the job they have trained us to do.

We have never had a whole organisation activity stop for the weather.


No everyone on here just thinks they don’t have to answer to HQAC, its all well and good until it goes wrong, then watch the same people say the system didn’t support them.

You have a case if you can prove that anyone here has run an event in defiance of this edict.

There’s a difference between challenging and defying. For CCF, they genuinely march to a different drum beat - whether that’s right or wrong is a different topic.


We have never had 120mph winds before so guess it was a better to be safe than sirry decision not a we dont trust you all decision.

We would have to answer if we made the wrong call. But we don’t make these decisions as individuals, we make them collegiately with one person taking the responsibility.

And that is what HQAC would say they did

But they didn’t know that when they made the call. You can’t assess the quality of the decision retrospectively. The issue isn’t even today. Noone was going to run an activity today. It’s tomorrow and Sunday.

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How is it the right call for the rest of the weekend?

In England. Scotland hold the UK record at 173mph.


Well done scotland