All activities 18-20 of Feb suspended

It will all blow over soon anyway and we’ll go back to complaining about uniform.

Unless this becomes the new policy, which Tony alluded to in a tweet.


The point is, I doubt anyone at HQAC needed to bother telling CFAV “stay of the Cairnorms, it’s a bit blowy”.

Also just looked, 118mph in Cornwall once.

Yep Cornwall 118mph, Isle of Wight 122mph today so guess those in Cyprus were at risk if frostbite

What are you talking about Willis?


Glad it’s not only me who’s confused


See also: the JL training that this stand down has affected…

It’s 10 degrees and sunny in Akers?

Was it JL this weekend? ■■■■■■. That really messes up the calendar. Their weekends are four days now.

I was being flippant so delete it if you wish

No bad for middle of the night

Yup. I’m led to believe they couldn’t get them all home either.

Not sure when they were meant to go home, actually. Sunday, maybe?

The sun was shining on the sea,
Shining with all his might:
He did his very best to make
The billows smooth and bright —
And this was odd, because it was
The middle of the night.

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Obv we can’t be trusted to make decisions based on the weather ourselves.
It’s not like there’s any recent examples where a Sqn has done such a thing……


@WellIbedammed interesting to hear differing points of views on how and why people think the decision was made. Perhaps you can give an opinion on why there was no nationwide Stop directive on the weekend of Storm Arwen, when there was also a Red weather warning covering part of mainland UK?


Definitely no Amber where I am so not sure what map you’ve been looking at.

We have had Yellow weather warnings in place but they are pretty frequent.

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Maybe the boss had a cadet skiing trip in the cairngorm planned or maybe since then the have reviewed safety protocols and decided that this storm was more prolonged so it was easier to call a full stop rather than cherrypicking which sqns could meet.

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Probably the better option should this come in again is HQAC issue a full stop but authorise dispensation at Wng Cdr level in consultation with WExO/paid staff.

HQAC then get reassurance that all activities are being reviewed & not going a head unless assessed, loophole exists for some activities to continue & volunteers are happy (ier) as it’s not a blanket & there are options.

This option also involves both paid staff & volunteers in the decision making process so win-win.

Otherwise you get lots of angry volunteers who are more likly to disregard regulations in future leading to dangerous situations.

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This is certainly the card they played in a Twitter comment.

Isn’t that that the TAAs at RHQ do, sounds like a good compromise if it means we can all getc along safely