Aircrew rankslides

@Farmerdan - many thanks. Very interesting.

My sentiments exactly.


In fairness. They are “aircrew”.
Just not (in any sense) to the standard, expertise or authority level or RAF frontline aircrew.

Easy fix. Would be a differnt aircrew badge, along the lines of all the different varieties the RAF used to have.

No-one could (or would in my opinion) complain about a CFAV aircrew wearing some wings with a clear identifying branch symbol or letter.

Demonstrates the branch they are in, but also the appropriate level.

Else, its the ultimate walty mcwalty case sadly…

Took some cadets gliding last month, had to endure a 50 hour sprog trying to enlighten me on all his quals. They didnt take kindly when i asked his ratings and if they could fly at night, in IMC, outside the circuit etc etc.
Worst kind of waltism… walts who have a semi qual!


DIs don’t get specialist rank slides with pace sticks on :stuck_out_tongue:

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So exactly what they do have, the aircrew rank is different having “RAF Air Cadets” in massive letters and a different “branch” identifier with a G wings.

It cant be walting if the Air Vice Marshal is telling you what to wear. It would be walting if they were worn of their own initiative which they aren’t.

That there is a cracking idea!!!

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Could just light the blue touchpaper of course and point out that in the RAF aircrew rank slides mean that you’re not a proper sergeant, and thus having no eagles would be seen as a step up.



Why don’t you go all in and tell the snowdrops that they aren’t proper Cpls?!


Always good for a laugh.


They could have silver bells & diamond-encrusted lettering - but they are NOT aircrew.

Just use to wave our pay slips at the jealous ones, saying that they could have applied too… :laughing:

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Chambers defines aircrew as

Sounds like what they do?

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The definitive word is ‘in’ not 5000 miles away.

Dictionary definition does not tie up with the context of extensive RAF trg in order to be awarded brevets.

we are not in the RAF so it doesnt really compare. Our SNCO Aircrew are in the RAF Air Cadets. Two very different organisations.


In the same way that no one in the RAFAC is trained to the same level as their regular counterparts…

I really don’t see the difference between this and - for example - wearing Fg Off braid despite not having done 24 weeks of IOT.


The key point is that these SNCOs are not going to know the left turn from the right turn or which arm a brassard goes, but do know how to get cadets in the air.

It’s depicting a skill / qualification that they do not hold. They are not aircrew.

I made Fg Off in four weeks and you now get Sqn Ldr’s who have done it in eight weeks.

our SNCO Aircrew are volunteer at VGSs
our SNCOs are at volunteer community Squadrons

“two very different organisations” - to coin a phrase :wink:

certainly two very different commitments and skills between the two


They aren’t being awarded a brevet though. Its and aircrew rank slide of the appropriate rank.