ACPS Cancelled: another kick in the teeth

So? Isn’t that exactly what it’s designed for? Supporting cadet events?


Imagine being a new cadet that is 12 or 13 that joins and is really keen to do ACPS soon… Only to be told you need to wait to the twilight of your Cadet Career and to hopefully stay on as a Staff Cadet to do what they joined the organisation to do.

If I was that Cadet I would be chancing a flying club when it came time, instead of wasting time joining the RAFAC!


Bin off band camp or national choir to fund something that better marries up with our purpose


And that would if they desired a career in aviation start to make them friends and contacts in the industry. Many have started with just simple things like helping out and being a gopher at flying organisations.

Yes, was rather tongue in cheek refering to the corps obsession with value for money and restricting VA claims because of that beeing most activities largest expense.


It would appear than that there are a couple of ‘duty rumours’ circulating around relating to the ‘safeguarding issue’. I’m not going to elaborate on any of the finer details on what I heard, suffice to say that my ‘duty rumour’ came from a cadet there at the time.

The easiest way to corroborate the version I heard, would be to phone the hotel and ask if they have had to eject one ‘guest’ for inappropriate and unwanted behavior towards another ‘guest’.

Top marks to the hotel and Tayside for dealing with it in a swift and appropriate manner.

Obviously I can’t discuss details but I am happy to confirm that this definitely didn’t happen ‘because refugees were in the hotel’ - that would clearly be a despicable way to make a decision. Refugees are people too.


Shall we settle on ‘foreign national guest’?

If any individual involved was indeed foreign why on earth does their nationality make any difference? Seriously, there is no need to mention it other than to try and divide people and create hate between communities. I had hoped that we’d managed to weed out the racists from this organisation but it would seem not


Crikey…you post on here giving angry people a heads up on why their cadets have been binned off ACPS, and all of a sudden you’re a racist!

The facts are the facts. Like it or not.

Because some nationalities have different morals and ethics to other nationalities. That is also a fact that you might not like, and stating it does not make me a racist.

Any nationalities in particular you think are morally bankrupt enough to justify all this? :person_facepalming:

Considering it is Scotland ‘foreign national guest’ could well mean English or Welsh.

Everyone has different morals, ethics & standards to everyone else. Whilst people are broadly similarly everyone defines morals in their own way & applies those moral in a manner that is unique to them.

Could the safeguarding incident happen without a non-foreign national? Yes.

Do we need to revisit & update processes? Yes

The world has moved on since you could leave school at 14 or considered independent at 16 (which is the adult age in Scotland so don’t know if that causes a complication)

For anyone of us know it could have been one of the refugees who came to the aid of the cadet and helped the hotel eject the person causing the incident (who may have been a local).

At this stage, it is pure speculation for anyone who wasn’t there (or who have read the formal reports)

Does knowing that foreign nationals were present at the hotel add anything to the story & clarifies what happened? No it does not.

Could stating this it be interpreted as prejudiced, especially whilst the exact details are not known or public knowledge? Yes

So unless you have evidence that

  • non-uk refugees were staying at the hotel
  • one of these were the cause of the incident
  • there were no other factors with the person causing the incident (PTSD, drunk, trauma)

Then it isn’t appropriate to state what you have & as it is likly to be a best, misinterpreted from what you were intending.


Once again, what I heard was from an eye witness. You either believe a cadet when they tell you something, or you don’t, (which in itself is a safeguarding issue)!
I have a lot more detail, but it won’t be going on here.

I’m not going to give you my list, for fear of being called racist again, by people who don’t know me. But if you really need to know google is your friend. You could start by searching, " Libyan army cadets sent home early after Cambridge sex assaults".

P.S. The hotel ‘guest’ who has effectively driven another nail in to Air Cadet flying coffin was not Libyan, (or English or Welsh).

Ok. Back on topic.

If there is a ‘safeguarding’ issue, then see if the cadets can be accommodated at Leuchers with CFAV cover and a 20-minute minibus ride to the airfield.

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Wonder if anyone can spot something that might cause some annoyances in the latest FB post by RAFAC…?

That one? It’s about Flying Aces, not ACPS.

Loads to say. But none of it relevant to this thread, and none of it suitable for public consumption.

So still good to fly at Tayside, representing the cadets but through Flying Aces…?

I’m confused, is Flying Aces an air cadet scheme? If so which ACP covers it? If not why is he wearing his uniform?


From my understanding, it’s sepetate organisation that S&NI (or perhaps just some of the Scottish wings) support financially with cadets getting some air time.