ACPS Cancelled: another kick in the teeth

Not 100% sure if it is purely an Air Cadet Scheme but i know there were some RAFAC Staff involved in setting it all up. It provides an opportunity for 3 Cadets to get a 1 hour Sortie in one of their aircraft. 2 Cadets in the back for a pleasure flight and 1 in the front getting introduced to basic flying controls etc. I believe its all funded by charity donations.

Its all done in Civvies as a non uniform thing. Cadets required to complete normal AV Med Form along with an additional parental consent confirming that Tayside is a non millitary organisation and governed by the CAA should any probelms arise.

Iā€™ll be honest its great as its the only form flying any of our Cadets have seen in years.

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I really struggle to believe this.
I know with certainty that WSW, SESW, and NSW are all getting AEF.
I know that SESW, WSW, CSW, and NI are all getting VGS slots.
(I have no reason to believe that the gaps there arenā€™t also being offered, but no personal experience)

Not sure where the breakdown is in your case, but the flying is there.

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Itā€™s classed as opportunity flight in a non service aircraft and under CAA rather than MAA rules. Parents have to sign an agreement stating that itā€™s a private arrangement between them and the civilian flight provider and MoD have zero liability.


Remind me why civvie gliding clubs canā€™t be used againā€¦?


Sounds like an excellent scheme. Presumably any Wing can now set up a similar scheme and be authorised to send cadets flying in civilian aircraft?




This is beyond aggravating.


Imagine if ther rest of us could do that :thinking:


Please show us the ACTO / ACTI / approval, whatever, that permits this. At first glance this seems more or less what was permitted under ACTO35.


Annoying that it is that some air cadet flying is a postcode lottery, I suppose they get away with it because Tayside is the only flying school that is approved by CFS for RAFAC use.

Flying aces is privately paid for by sponsors and is signed off by 2fts.

South East Scotland and Central Scotland have not had regular AEF since before covid due to fuelling issues, and then ATC is not manned at the weekend.

WSW flying from glasgow airport, which has been doing weekend flights for a while.

Itā€™s still organised flying in non-Service aircraft which isnā€™t allowed for us minions.


But it is allowed at approved places. And Tayside has been approved. Anyone could organise flying there with cadets theoretically.

Where is that specified as allowed.
I might arrange a ā€˜flying campā€™ at tayside for my Sqn if thats the case.

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Theoretically, thatā€™s entirely possible since Tayside is the only approved flying school for RAFAC. However, they will probably be fully booked with ACPS and all their other commercial courses. It is highly unlikely they would fit you in, and if they did, they would charge you the full going rate for flying training, (Ā£170/hour approx). Youā€™d need big sqn pockets for that!

Effectively, for any sqns down south, thatā€™s a no - for travel / accommodation, etc.

Where is the list of such approved places please?

Maybe there needs to be other providers around the UK rather than just the monopoly provider at Tayside, when you consider the costs involved. Places such as Oxford or Enstone which has flying training schools or smaller places like Liverpool, Blackpool or other places.

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And also perhaps brighton shoreham, very important flying school for the south coast.

Fixed that for you

I love our bi-annual tayside bashing, let us fly at other CAA clubs topic :rofl: