ACP20 Pers Form 1-19

An email from a Wing demanding people do it or get sacked.


Certainly I havenā€™t seen anything from HQAC explaining the consequences of not signing (and a couple of my staff have refused so I hope that isnā€™t the case).

We were told the same sign or leaveā€¦
There is a deadline set by HQAC Iā€™m led to believe
Iā€™m going to be a total painā€¦ it does say something along the lines of attend where possible

Well Iā€™m busy for every mundane crappy thing our wing wants me and my staff for!

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This is what we were told when it was first released in December, with an original deadline of 31 Mayā€¦

The new RAF Air Cadets ā€“ Adult Volunteer Agreement. This has just been circulated via HQAC to fall in line with the new CFC, but applies to all Adult Volunteers. Can I please ask all staff to sign a copy and the return it to WHQ. Unfortunately I do need to advise everyone that it is a requirement to remain in the RAFAC that you sign it.

My entire staff team signed it in Jan, so not going to be a problem for us :slight_smile:

So the original IBN just says that:
ā€œA list of individuals, who have failed to comply with the request by end May 18, should be sent to HQ RAFAC (Pers) by end Jun 18 for further action.ā€

Ominous and threatening sounding but doesnā€™t mention termination.

Our Wing CO was going to query it at the conference, Iā€™ve never heard anything since. I havenā€™t signed yet so will let you know of men in leather trench coats come to take me away.

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IBN11/17 only mentions ā€œfurther actionā€ post end of June in the additional information section.

Edit - should have whole thread before replying >.<

About the matter? Or from your Wing CO? Perhaps he never made it out o.O

As far as Iā€™m aware no one on my sqn has signed it and no one has said anything yet.

If a large number of individuals havenā€™t signed it - itā€™s not in the organisations interests to apply any kind of pressure to do so. Itā€™s been rolled into the process of all new appointments so eventually most/all will have it in place.

In my squadron, Only one person out of our 9 staff have signed this doc and it is not the Sqnā€™s OC.

I imagine this will start to filter through but I had the below sent on to me earlier this morningā€¦

The Volunteer Agreement was issued on 15 Dec 17 under IBN 11/17. The IBN asked for the Agreement to be signed by all officers, WO/SNCOs, CI/CGIs, Padres and Registered Civ Com members by the end of May 2018 and a list of individuals to be sent to HQ RAFAC (Pers) by the end of Jun 2018 of those who had failed or refused to sign.

Any outstanding CFAV should be encouraged to sign by this date or be advised that they will be dismissed for reasons which I explain below.

After consultation with RF&C and the Comdt RAFAC, we are now in a position to confirm that individuals who have failed/refuse to sign the Agreement will be dismissed. Any individual who has not signed the Agreement by 15 Oct, without good reason (ill/NEP/not been asked), will be dismissed from the RAFAC. Clearly, refusing to sign the Agreement shows a lack of intent to abide by RAFAC/MoD regulations and accept the terms and conditions of volunteering in the Mod-sponsored cadet forces; therefore, they leave us no other option but to remove them from the RAFAC. All CFAVs who have currently not signed the Volunteer Agreement are to be restricted to Sqn/Section activity only, and are not be permitted to attend any external RAFAC activity such as training courses, camps and expeditions until they do so.

Further information on the method and mechanism for dismissal will be sent out in the forthcoming weeks.

Got to love a constructive and in no way all stick way of dealing with an issue :roll_eyes:


This could get interesting, if a CFAV (comissioned SNCO) who receives ā€˜re-numeration paid as a perdiem paymentā€™ is in effect sacked, takes this to an industrial tribunal for unfair dismissal. People are in effect being asked/told to sign a contract or be sacked.

So if a large number say NO, what happens next, it could just be the push people need to leave.

My Wing were advised not to sign if we didnā€™t agree by the Wing Commander so I think there will be a fair few out there.

Itā€™s intimidation based on the fact that most CFAV know if they they donā€™t stay the Cadets will suffer.


A Wing Commander suborning sedition against Dawn and HQRAFAC, well I never.


I just mentioned this to a non-belligerent member of staff from a different wing and his response was ā€œthe whatā€ he put it in his Squadrons WhatsApp to a response of ā€œthe whatā€ :joy::joy::joy:

You couldnā€™t find any locally? :wink:


Haha there are plenty of them about, was discussing that with a fellow belligerent ACCer the other day!

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But shows more intergrity than those who signed it but share the same objections as the conscientious objectors!