ACC Foodies - What are you Eating and Drinking?

100% would recommend this

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Are they brewing Mary Ann at the moment?

Havent seen any

Managed to find some that new Brewdog Cold Beer Lager…

Solid summer drink choice, would reccommend

Its a thing of beauty


AED on standby


Overpriced basically thr burger version of Nandos

Doesn’t make it any less delicious

I bloody love a five guys.

…Only a few years ago that phrase would have had such a different meaning! :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

£3.50 from the mess…

And what is is supposed to be?

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Its supposed to be battered prawns, with a Satay Sauce, and special friend rice…

Tasted very nice.

The “after” photo

Pina colada in a bar near Istanbul :ok_hand:


Have decided to give Huel a go. So far, quite pleased.

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It’s not bad. I tend to have it often when on cadet events. Quick easy breakfast/lunch and is usualy better than what’s in the mess anyway

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I did it for a couple of months…lost a stone. Its a faff though, i was always hungry aswell

I have a dreadful hangover. I’m attempting to soften it with this small stout - a 15% banger from Vault City. Mars bar flavoured too!

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Are you mad? :joy: