ACC Foodies - What are you Eating and Drinking?

Yeah. First five years is £5 a year then half a day’s pay (though they use RAF rather than CFAV rates IIRC)

I didn’t think flt lts got that much until they were several years in?

5 years but £12 a year now!

Damn inflation

So both in terms of food and accommodation, what are the main benefits of the RAF Club over say the Union Jack Club?

RAF Club is officers, Union Jack club is enlisted AFAIK.


I can’t speak to the Union Jack Club, but having recently stayed at the RAF Club overnight I can say that the accommodation (we stayed in a newly refurbished room) is to a really high standard and you can’t beat the price for the location.

We didn’t stay for breakfast as my other half is vegan and they didn’t have any good options (but seem to be better for other meals from what I’ve seen), but the whole experience otherwise was great.

EDIT: From what I’ve heard the RAF Club is more formal than the UJC, but the dress code isn’t really that restrictive apart from a few set times and places like the dining room.

Don’t forget, there is also the Victory Services Club on the edge of Hyde Park (between Lancaster Gate and Bond Street tube). Open to all ranks (uniformed CFAVs included) and if you’re still serving then membership is free. Retired membership is£51 a year IIRC. But I haven’t eaten there yet so can’t comment on the quality of food.

Would highly recommend the Brunch at the RAF club. Went after Trooping the Colour Colonel’s review (Handy Andy on his last time as Colonel). Everything from cereal through to roast.

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Never stayed in the RAF Club, don’t want my rabble in there.

But the UJC food is very top tier. Good value as well. The missus and I got three courses and the lad some food for around £55.

Damn right

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It’s always bothered me that it calls itself the RAF Club, but has membership closed to the majority of the RAF and open to officers of other organisations (Commonwealth and allied air forces, etc.)

In my opinion, it should be called the Air Forces Officers’ Club.

That’s very socialist of you comrade :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The majority of London clubs were/are for gentry & the “officer” class particularly the military ones as it’s meant to be an officers mess away from a base so the club reflect the mess system.

It’s why you have alternative clubs such as the Union Jack & victory services club are for the non-commission (& I think commissioned officers are explicitly excluded from membership of the UJC although they can use as an “associate”

London club land is a weird beast, very similar to a brick Bisley. Next to the RAF club you have the cavalry & guards. Not far away you have the army & navy club (which I also believe is officers only again).

You then have ones like the reform, the Carlton, National liberal club, Groucho club & loads of others not counting some of the non-accommodation clubs such as the royal kennel club.

List of Members Club in London

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The UJC will also accept Officers (even retired VRT …so probably RAFAC as well!).
If you are/were commissioned you cannot join as a member (Other ranks only) but you can stay …at least you could a few years back when I last used it.
Decent accom and good food …and also a great bar area.
…just remember to take ID, as there is/was a doorman who asks for it (I just used my VRT letter stating my retirement and that was sufficient !)
Used to be a lot cheaper that any ‘standard’ London accom.


It’ll be interesting to see how I fit, in that case. Current CFC, former army non-commissioned.

You could probably join both! Veteran membership at the UJC and/or a normal membership at the RAF Club


You weren’t in the civil service as well were you? If so there’s a club for that as well so you get all three!

I’m certainly not objecting to officers only clubs and I like being a member of the most exclusive club on camp (DE SNCOs are still relatively rare compared with DE officers and civil servants with officers’ mess privileges): it’s just the name.

A ‘Royal Air Force Club’ should be for members of the RAF. A club for officers of other air forces and related organisations should be named accordingly.

I think I saw a portrait of Trenchard in the Field Marshals’ Room of the C&G Club, so we can claim that as one of ours too.


Pint of Jorvik in the Shambles Tavern. Jolly decent.

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Oh dear. This has turned into a York pub crawl.


Memories of NCO team nights out with the fake IDs our CWO obtained for us. Would be interesting to see where you go and if any of my old haunts are standing.
If the RAFA is open pop in and help them out with a few quid behind the bar. They’re struggling financially last I heard.