ACC Foodies - What are you Eating and Drinking?

From my last wander around the homestead… very few. At least, not in the form they once were.

About the only place I could positively identify was The Lowther.

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Accidentally got drunk. Just made a fantastic dinner in spite of that.

Fried and roasted half of a sweetheart cabbage with a spinach and cannellini hummas. With a load of fried pine nuts in an excessive amount of butter.

(It’s already been eaten, it was amazing!)

Lemon chicken with rice…

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Beer with a side of Beer


Anyone know of any decent places to eat in the new forest?

@AlexCorbin should i imagine

Yes, I was thinking about tagging him.

Trying to find somewhere for my 30th.

The place we were going to go, Il Palio, closed a few years ago unfortunately…

Used to love The New Forest (imaginative name for a pub considering the location) in Ashurst, but that was years ago (you would have still been in school last time I went) and more for a lunch on date day rather than dinner.

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We stayed at a decent place a few years ago. Will check if it is still going, but restaurant was good (if a little posh)

My recommendations

Pub Grub - Trusty Servent at Minstead
Italian - La Pergola in Lyndhurst or Enzes in Brockenhurst. Id lean towards La Pergola though
Posh Grub - The Pig in Brockenhurst, theres a brewery on site aswell
Indian - Indian Fusion in Lyndhurst
Chinese - Imperial China in Lyndhurst

Theres like a million pubs. Only tacky one about is Happy Cheese. Green Dragon in Brook is meant to be good aswell. But never been

If youre in the area hit me up for a orange juice


That would work for me!

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ACC Fest venue

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Forgot about that one.

Yeah. Few days in Sandy Balls. :wink:

Litetally 5 mins from the house

In Fordingbridge?

Well more like 10 im a stones throw from the cadnam roundabout

Give high corner inn a look up. Recently been renovated

Pretty sure this one used to be the Il Palio restaurant.

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Ended up in the Fighting Cocks in Godshill.

Pretty good Sunday roast. Cost a pretty penny though.