2024 Activity Changes



We can teach cadets how to dig proper shell scrapes, can’t we?

Something that might save their lives one day — why would there be any doubt?

A thought… has there been any goals published for what is to be achieved during this ‘strategic pause’ or is it a case of pause and hope we’ll achieve things?

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Other than a list of National events/activities that @JoeBloggs has already summarised. . . No.

Lets be real - 90% of goals that cadets achieve is down to what we deliver on Sqn - its only big ticket items that majority of cadets never get near that are paused - (Slightly tongue in cheek but not too far from the truth in some areas)


I think what @Cadet04 means is what are HQACs goals during the 2024 when we reduce the number of big ticket what? For example, bringing all policy up to date, fix communication etc


So no doubt we are screwed for going to support the 80th anniversary of D-Day :man_shrugging:t2:. Remember there was a good support by the ACO, as it was then, back in 2004.

Yeah, I know :grin: And other than Comdt’s video there’s been nothing published yet on that front.

The one question not being asked is what happens to the money saved with cancelling all these activities? Is it a case as in the NHS of use it or lose it as you are not allowed to carry over unspent funding and funding in the next year is cut to the amount spent?

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I think with the way our funding works, there won’t exactly be a pot of money left over. It’s more that we ask central MOD/Gov for things, rather than money. And any funding from the GPF will obviously stay as is.

From what I understand, the main aim here is to focus resources (namely people, rather than money) on getting all the basics sorted and in hand, before trying to go back to organising big events. Sort of like standing down the squadron a couple of times a year to have a full staff meeting/training night?

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Based on what I’m hearing from other cadet forces even with the money saved from not doing some things in 2024 we’ll likely struggle to meet the cuts being imposed.

it does raise the question though - how much has the organisation cost in the last 5, 10 and 15 years?

15 years ago the org was on a “high” then ~10 years ago (2014) there was a “pause” in gliding. That would have saved a lot of £££
reduction in glider hours = less maintenance, fewer (if any) VA days claimed by VGS Staff, no fuel to pay for, (the Vikings, the tugs and the Landrovers), dare i even include the lower level stuff like the VGS canteen would be money saved.
then there is all the Sqn Level claims that are associated with a VGS - no F1771/Accts4 to claim, no VA to claim, no F6424 to pay out for.

Some may argue 5 years ago this recovered but almost three years ago Covid hit.
a massive drop off in costs - Sqns up and down the country stopped using their buildings so reduced utility bills.
drop off a VA claims, and with it HTD, Accts4 and F1771s for the 100s of events taking place each weekend.
No uniform issued. rounds fired. camps to put on.

Now we’re looking at a stripped back 2024!

(i am not suggesting all the above costs come from the same pot, i would be surprised if they do, but as “associated costs” that come with doing what we do there have been areas and reasons why money has been saved/not paid out - to such a degree when would an accountant consider the “baseline” cost of running the organisation be taken from? 2019 prior to Covid-19?)


There is no money saved, as there isn’t the money to stage these events in the first place. That’s what I’m being told by someone very well placed. It’s less about ‘overhaul of policy’ and more to do with a lack of funds.

I understand the other cadet forces are in a similar situation. The Sea cadets have harbour bound one of their training ships & the ACF have done similar cut backs.

I think part of the push to be integrated more with the CCF is the ccf doesn’t get funds out of the ATC GPF so are cheaper to run as they pay more than they get. (Probably also have less complaint paperwork generated as it’s dealt with within the school as primacy).


So is this the stall before the spin?..

How many spins are we allowed before we have to recover or eject?


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Which is great if the powers that be can persuade squadrons to parade in the afternoon or CCFs parade in the evenings :man_shrugging:t2:


Interestingly I used a similar metaphor in the RAFAC death spiral thread…

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And the school I believe are the ‘risk’ holder.

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Probably dependent on type of activity can’t how one holder can own all the risks, pros and cons either way.