You know what really makes me laugh?


One of those nights. Long late day at work, plus parade night. Now we’ve ended up here :laughing: :laughing:


I dont rate your sandwich choice :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Same tbh, but this time of night the selection left on the shelf is pretty limited :frowning:

I’m hoping it was the only thing left. That is not a sandwich of choice, that’s a sandwich of necessity.

Desperate man’s chicken parmo!

my wife had some CPD trainer visit yesterday and they provided food - Waitrose sandwiches, great you might think…? the choice included Cheese and celery - a combination neither Mrs Steve nor I have ever heard of or considered before!

Training course the last few days. The practice case was an asylum appeal from Hyrule before judge Ganondorf with Dr Link as the expert witness. Appellant felt he was being persecuted by the Princess because of his political opinion that vases and pots are evil and should be smashed on sight.

I don’t rate his ice cream manufacturer.

I’m stuck for the possible name of the appellant in that case.

In a breath I could make a wild guess.


I wonder if there will now be desperate back peddling by the likes of Chris Parry who called it “craven political correctness and ideology gone mad”.

So, sensible diplomacy is woke now too?

How do we think the same press would react if the Kriegsmarine named a ship Dieppe? Or Tobruk?

There is a big difference between modern history and ancient history, it’s not like they wanted to call it HMS Mohne Dam.

Personally I think they should’ve gone for Ardent but that’s just me.

The Astutes are replacing an entire class called Trafalgar, built in the ‘70s and ‘80s.

What’s changed since then? Trafalgar was much more recent than Agincourt, too.


The Kreigsmarine went out as a name in 1945, the present name is just Marine.


I did wonder about that.

A lot of attitudes have changed since then. Maybe the more grown up thing for us to do is not rub our allies’ faces in it?

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A more detailed and more rounded discussion of RN vessel names here:

There was previously an Agincourt, a Dreadnought first built for Brazil which ended up with the RN via Turkey.

But Achilles has a long history with the Navy.


This is the best, sending it to dad