You know what really makes me laugh?

That’s the badger!

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If it’s green, then it’s gone off… throw it in the bin.


Was that the one with the space hopper?

That’s the one. Even I had to check because some of the characters are a bit hazy these days!

Already a yes regardless…

But definitely yes!

I saw the Boosh live once.

I was dressed as a nun, sat next to the Crack Fox.

They decapitated the Honey Monster.

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He had it coming, the thieving git.

I feel like I’ve missed a whole thing :sweat_smile:

Driving around the district today with a colleague. Because of years and years of conditioning, I instinctively shouted “yellow car” the second a yellow car came into view (I didn’t punch them… Because I was driving).

An awkward silence followed.

Then they laughed (thankfully) as they explained they took play the yellow car game too. (Phew!). They then related a more embarrassing story where they shouted yellow car… whilst on a packed London bus. Everybody stared at her. She avoided eye contact and got off at the next stop - even though it was miles from where she wanted to be!!!

I was looking at our mug shot board with the cadets last year and I joked that one NCO was pulling the perfect “Blue Steel”.


I’m grateful to the one member of staff who gave me a knowing nod of approval.


My adult volunteers don’t know blue steel.

We watched “Lock, Stock & 2 Smoking Barrels” last night - all of them were born after it was released and most of them had never heard of it…

One of them was watching it accompanied by Wikipedia, as she was having a hard time keeping up with the interlocking storylines.

Yep this is work.

& running a Sqn….

Drop top typhoon!

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I like to imagine the tractor in the background thinks he’s trying to race the typhoon down the runway😂

A Targeting Pod (and PYLON!) Falling off a jet last week, and this this week…

I’d be interested to read the reports…

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But the “military way” is safer and therefore the only provider assured for cadet flying, how can this be?


There has to be a meme in this somewhere.