You know what really makes me laugh?

Personally I don’t believe the name change has anything to do with “upsetting the French” as it’s a medieval battle & keeps the history for both nations alive. The French would just name a new ship or sub “castillion”

The more likely reason are

  • Agincourt is a place in a different nation.

  • Achilles is smaller from a font size so cheaper costs in terms of text & branding (eg cap bands)

  • Ajax was the original name so a civil servant for a perchant for Greek myths wants to go back to that theme.

Or perhaps the boat just has a dodgy starboard propeller

Greek mythology has always been my Achilles’ knee

RN cap tallies for the submarine service just state HM Submarines. All RN like all new USN submarines have a propulsor rather than an open propeller.


It would appear Latino Harry Potter is on traffic duties today.

Not going to lie I’m RAF but based at an Army unit and I wear my green jumper with PCS :joy:



MTP or green backed rank slides? The details matter!

I just wear the blue ones. MTP slides on my smock and Goretex only, as these are the outer layers worn in the field.

MTP rank slides on an OG jumper look great if you’re wearing MTP trousers. They really pop.

Much like @AlexCorbin’s temporal blood vessel, I should imagine. Worth it though.

Of course, my green jumper originally had my rank sewn onto the right sleeve: but doing that with RAF chevrons and a gilt crown would be pushing it!

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Khaki Chevrons?

plus pretty sure the army have cloth crowns for CSgt/SSgt :wink:

What the hell have i woken up to.

But TBF…if i could wear an OG jumper with MTP i would, love those things.


I also wear an OG pullover with MTP; having a few pongos around at work means that awapping out an old tatty one was alot easier!

Manages to 1 for 1 swap my tatty old wooly pully at an army barracks. Sad to see it go as it was even older than me! The new one is much less scratchy though

Sadly, the new ones also aren’t so warm as the old ones.

I thought they were privately purchased items these days?

The latest offering in ration pack technology.


I go for the standard officer Sqn Ldr braid stapled together :joy:

Nope, go to any Army unit and they still have them in stock :blush:

Did the whole organization just get a SWR update? I can’t be mad; Pretty sure I’ve had two SWR updates and 0 LaSER ones :joy:

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