You know what really makes me laugh?

Well its not like we’re allowed to promote ourselves anyway at the moment.

Just got back after ten days in the Humber in Normandy. No breakdowns, the only issue I had was this morning back in the UK, when the windscreen wiper broke on its first use all week.
Bigger issue, I just got into my own car to move it and almost crashed it!

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Could hear noise in the kitchen

Nextdoors dog decided to let themself into our house :joy:

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Expanding Brain Meme - Imgflip


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I’ve seen a few of those and that’s my favourite

IBN 018:

The new section:

And the link:

Does no one proof read these things?

The version you’re looking at is the older original version AFAIK. The new book hasn’t been released yet. The IBN says it’ll be from the 7th.

Good news! An update to ACTO 10 now states that the previously used policy on whether consent forms were needed or not can be overridden by permanent staff whenever they feel like it, so can demand cadets bring consent forms for low risk activities whenever they want to.

Way to reduce the admin burden guys!

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Well, one step forward and half a step back is a welcome break from half a step forward with the left leg and 3 steps back with the right…

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Is that the same new version of ACTO 10 that still lists car parking and marshalling as an approved activity? Released after the IBN, so surely is the most up to date policy, right?


Initially I thought “oh no more admin” however looking into it actually clarifies something.

I’ve seen a lot of cadet events where volunteers have made up the rules or requested TG forms just to be safe.

What this tweak means is that permanent staff reserve the right to request but more importantly volunteers do NOT have said authority. So your OC Wg or WSO can’t introduce a Wg policy requiring all events to have a TG form.

Also it states in the amendment that it should only be in exceptional process.

At the level least it’s clarifies that only permanent staff are permitted to add to our admin burden :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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so it completely makes a joke of ACTO 010 now…

one of the main purposes for its rewrite was to indicated EXACTLY when Consent forms are required based on what is and isn’t low RtL activities

they never could before, and I was quick to push back anyone who did.

yeah like a Wing Muster which according to ACTO 010 requires no consent form yet that was not the case…

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Which was already in breach of the policy. We didn’t need a new policy we needed enforcement of the old one.


Has no one put in an Astra idea to scrap paper consent forms and digitise the process yet? It would support our sustainability agenda.

It was meant to be on the roadmap already.
Just expected by 2050.