You know what really makes me laugh?

Should have been done last weekend if anyone was out conducting any activities. It was hit enough in central England.

I don’t understand where along the way the management portion of volunteer management was forgotten.

If anyone in an actual workplace refused to use a reporting system and apathetically allowed compliance to lapse, they’d be sacked.

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Surely that’s an abdication of safeguarding responsibilities?


Not if they suspend you. That’s one automatic flag they have managed to sort.

I used to work for several NCS providers, one of whom was The Challenge.

At the time of the first recontracting in around 2018, they were the largest provider, making around £65m/year gross from the contract.

Until that point, providers could use their own databases and reporting systems, but the NCS Trust made it clear that in the new contract period they’d have to use the Trust’s.

The Challenge called their bluff and stated they’d be sticking to using their own as they’d always done. Days before the official recontracting, they lost their preferred provider status and subsequently went out of business. The former Royal Marine who headed up the organisation blamed the NCS Trust for them going out of business…

If someone was giving me 65 million quid, I’d use a 15 year old Dell with 4Mb DDR3 RAM and a dual core if they said I had to.


Does show you where all the youth budget has gone in the UK though.

NCS provides some amazing results for a small number of individuals, but nowhere near enough to warrant how much it costs the public purse. Really is money that could be more effective elsewhere.

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Only if there is a detachment of Space Marines for us with ‘green activities’ leanings

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Real Astartes don’t do Camouflage and Concealment.


Has been scrapped.

MML: the things I collected as a teenager!

Don’t get me wrong, they’re from a great scene in each movie, but was I really going to decorate my adult home with these?


Ebay them. they must be worth a tenner each

At the minute, I just need stuff gone. They’ll head to the charity shop with a lot of other things.

HQRAFAC: It’s not a wage. It’s “remuneration”.


Did Labour really decide to push their campaign with pledges written on the side of a big red bus…?

Guess it’s worked before?

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The whole of north region receiving a Claim for Volunteer Allowance for a Squadron Multi Activity Camp from an individual #Oops #SayCheese

Tucking the ATC/RAFAC in the corner out of the way for Cosford Airshow tomorrow :rofl:
We’re even hidden behind a closed hanger.

Hide the embarrasement i guess :man_shrugging::man_shrugging::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming: