You know what really makes me laugh?

Still struggling with digitising 3822a’s.

Majority of new parents aren’t moving on….

The roadmap…


Oi, who gave you permission to copy my Squadron org chart :grinning:

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Just voted.

Had several people in out village turned away due to issues with ID.

Took Drivers Licence and MOD90.

As 90 was on top in my wallet, showed that first.

“Oh, do you have anything else?”

Produce Drivers Licence.

“So is this not acceptable to use?”

“No sir, afraid not”

Points to list of acceptable ID…

“Oh… so it is!”


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Worth reporting. Although it didn’t stop you, a quick report for these sort of things might help build some stats on voter ID in general. It’s new, people are still getting used to it.

Having a valid bit of ID turned down is pretty bad, even if they realised afterwards.


And its not like half the people round this area carry it…


my biggest concern is the “beadwindow” element of sharing something marked “official” on a public forum

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Court 15 Wimbledon could be an interesting battle

Sun v Zhu

I will get my coat and apologies to any speakers of Asian languages


And Dastardly and Muttley.


Not a good example. We’re all Muttley’s chasing medals

But Muttley always got one on the end.

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I wonder how many certificates of appreciation he got?

Maybe ‘Special K’ is Dick Dastardly in disguise and any leaving present should be a trench coat with a leather flying helmet and goggles.

Nah, Dick Dastardly has far more personality.

But who is Muttley?

In which case I expect wing bands to now add Stop the pigeon to their repertoire (& retire when the saints & Wallace & Gromit at the same time)


Well. The 7th happened. Link still disabled.

No contact from anyone at the contingent or Region level about my return from ELA, 13 days after it ended. Almost as if ACP 20 Personal Instruction 111 8-10 doesn’t exist.
Oh well. Makes me realise more and more that this organisation doesn’t give a :poop: about retaining volunteers. Have to laugh or I’ll cry about the decline.

Whilst the ACF made a very good offer to me in terms of transferring my commission over, and would have me on the system before the end of the month I’ve decided to just step back completely and give it at least a year before looking to rejoin any cadet organisation. Need to put my focus on getting back into shape as I’ve been told that a return to fitness would put me in with a good shout of being selected for Los Angeles 2028.

Some things don’t translate well. This is an advert on a shop across the road…

"Enjoy quality moments with…[brand name]